It's computer code called "assembly". Each line is called an "instruction". Thus bad instructions, the marker is having a laugh at a CLEARLY INCORRECT instruction.
(he is very geeky)
and so am I...
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Wed 1 Apr 2009, 14:28,
It's computer code called "assembly". Each line is called an "instruction". Thus bad instructions, the marker is having a laugh at a CLEARLY INCORRECT instruction.
(he is very geeky)
and so am I...

and it was written by a woman call Thalia Tummybutton who was the first woman to be allowed into the gent's toilets at Lecherous Park where they invented the iPod. Anyway - one day, while shopping for a gimp mask, Thalia accidental gave birth to a unicorn right there in Waitroes. Obviously she was shunned from polite society and became a member of parliament. On her death bed, she sold me this watch that I'm wearing.
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Wed 1 Apr 2009, 14:35,