yey! nicely done there
even though i never really liked spider-man
ms morbo lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
Wed 12 Aug 2009, 13:40,
He's a right cunt isnt he
epiphany coming live from sweden,
Wed 12 Aug 2009, 13:40,
'with great power comes great responsibility'
god - he's so pretentious...
Wed 12 Aug 2009, 13:42,
he's a normal teen that the kids can relate to!
who is a scientific genuis and can build super strength disoveable fibers, built into a concealable propultion system in his bedroom.
ok it's less that, more that the "witty one liners" make me want to smack him
ms morbo lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
Wed 12 Aug 2009, 13:49,
So basically what I said ;)
epiphany coming live from sweden,
Wed 12 Aug 2009, 13:59,
Thank you miss.
New Spiderman is shit, yeah, but old spiderman is awesome.
Redsushi! Whoop! Whoop! Yes, that one!,
Wed 12 Aug 2009, 13:43,