I am at a loss
so I'll drop this reposted wee fellow in here and fork off to me kip.

From the
Sausages! challenge. See all
414 entries (closed)
Neffer Vossent rues the day,
Mon 24 Aug 2009, 10:35,
compo the sausage horse!
SkUG >_O i got a couple of stitches in my eyeball... ow,
Mon 24 Aug 2009, 10:38,
Compo a repost?
Alright then.
Neffer Vossent rues the day,
Mon 24 Aug 2009, 10:41,
Sausage horse appears to have four monoliths in his back
Maximinimus you stick around I'll make it worth your while,
Mon 24 Aug 2009, 10:41,
The Four Stelae Of Horsage!
Oh yes.
Neffer Vossent rues the day,
Mon 24 Aug 2009, 10:42,
Four "mono"liths???
doesn't 'mono' mean one?
Mstandot I suppose I should post more often.,
Mon 24 Aug 2009, 10:54,
A monolith is single piece of rock/stone
so you can have 4 of them :D
Maximinimus you stick around I'll make it worth your while,
Mon 24 Aug 2009, 11:09,
*plate ii - how the French see horses*
nings Neffer!
theoriginalsteve <this space intentionally left blank>,
Mon 24 Aug 2009, 10:50,