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» Faking it
Fake money
My dad bought a new scanner and printer, I know lets scan some money see what it comes out like, don't get me wrong - not planning on actually using it in shops and the like - just a quality control kind thing, see how good this printer/scanner actually is, printed it out, looked pretty realistic (on one side - never could get it to line up the other) anyways dad decides to take the money to work, goes to buy some lunch in the work canteen, takes out a £10 note, looks at it and goes "oh this one is dirty" and screws it up and throws it in the bin, lots of faces go :o (much to his amusement)
A bit later on (in a different department) he lights his cigarette with another £10 again more shocked faces
(This is when technology was quite new by the way, and when you could still smoke in buildings!)
(Thu 10th Jul 2008, 23:56, More)
Fake money
My dad bought a new scanner and printer, I know lets scan some money see what it comes out like, don't get me wrong - not planning on actually using it in shops and the like - just a quality control kind thing, see how good this printer/scanner actually is, printed it out, looked pretty realistic (on one side - never could get it to line up the other) anyways dad decides to take the money to work, goes to buy some lunch in the work canteen, takes out a £10 note, looks at it and goes "oh this one is dirty" and screws it up and throws it in the bin, lots of faces go :o (much to his amusement)
A bit later on (in a different department) he lights his cigarette with another £10 again more shocked faces
(This is when technology was quite new by the way, and when you could still smoke in buildings!)
(Thu 10th Jul 2008, 23:56, More)
» Customers from Hell
ahh the memories...
on work experience a girl came into the fishing tackle shop i was placed in (the girl was also on work experience from my school/year) and asked for a "glass hammer" i prompty replied "oh you need the high street branch, all the hardware is in there" another 10 minute walk away - oh im so cruel but how i did laugh :)
Hello i've being sent in for a long weight (wait) "oh we'll have those in about twenty minutes" as said gullible twit is walking out the shop ready to come back in 20 minutes... i point out that a long wait is actually 20 minutes and that he'd been had...
20 minutes later he walks back in "hi, yeah im here for that long wait" again explaing that 20 minutes in infact a long wait he twigs this time, not to be outdone he asks for something to take back just to prove a point i guess... handing him the nearest thing i could find (a meat hook) I told him to say that we where out of long weights and only had sky hooks (another common thing i'm often asked for) 5 minutes later a rather dizzy girl walks in "hello "boy" was sent in for a long weight but he came back with this *shows meat hook* i've being sent over to see if you have a left handed one" *turns meat hook around* "there you go" the words "oh i'm gonna kill him" where shouted as she stormed out the shop :D
And can i have 2 meters of fallopian tube please?
Ok not customers from hell - but hey
Story from a fellow work college who used to work in a clothes store - in walks small hunch backed woman who absolutely stinks of piss "excuse me miss, have you got any black underwear, i don't have to change them as often as the white" *sicks up abit* - SHE STINKS
And i've yet to meet a customer that is right!
(Thu 4th Sep 2008, 20:31, More)
ahh the memories...
on work experience a girl came into the fishing tackle shop i was placed in (the girl was also on work experience from my school/year) and asked for a "glass hammer" i prompty replied "oh you need the high street branch, all the hardware is in there" another 10 minute walk away - oh im so cruel but how i did laugh :)
Hello i've being sent in for a long weight (wait) "oh we'll have those in about twenty minutes" as said gullible twit is walking out the shop ready to come back in 20 minutes... i point out that a long wait is actually 20 minutes and that he'd been had...
20 minutes later he walks back in "hi, yeah im here for that long wait" again explaing that 20 minutes in infact a long wait he twigs this time, not to be outdone he asks for something to take back just to prove a point i guess... handing him the nearest thing i could find (a meat hook) I told him to say that we where out of long weights and only had sky hooks (another common thing i'm often asked for) 5 minutes later a rather dizzy girl walks in "hello "boy" was sent in for a long weight but he came back with this *shows meat hook* i've being sent over to see if you have a left handed one" *turns meat hook around* "there you go" the words "oh i'm gonna kill him" where shouted as she stormed out the shop :D
And can i have 2 meters of fallopian tube please?
Ok not customers from hell - but hey
Story from a fellow work college who used to work in a clothes store - in walks small hunch backed woman who absolutely stinks of piss "excuse me miss, have you got any black underwear, i don't have to change them as often as the white" *sicks up abit* - SHE STINKS
And i've yet to meet a customer that is right!
(Thu 4th Sep 2008, 20:31, More)
» Weddings Part II
When the ring wouldnt go on...
"use lube" was shouted from the back - much to my amusement
(Sun 9th Nov 2014, 23:14, More)
When the ring wouldnt go on...
"use lube" was shouted from the back - much to my amusement
(Sun 9th Nov 2014, 23:14, More)
» Stuff I've found
I lovely tin of "light oak and....." paint (not very PC - read the label!)
Click for bigger
(Thu 6th Nov 2008, 22:53, More)
I lovely tin of "light oak and....." paint (not very PC - read the label!)

(Thu 6th Nov 2008, 22:53, More)