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# Hahahaha :D
Edit: who made that ROONERSPISMS!! LOL!!! picture?
Please post it as it makes me giggle :D
(, Wed 30 Sep 2009, 22:38, archived)
# it wasn't me, I had oonerspisms
(, Wed 30 Sep 2009, 22:48, archived)
# Ahh thanks all, but it's none of those, plus it'd take an age to find in the compo entries.
Assuming it was even an entry - it was a "piss-take of the competition" kind of image.
(, Wed 30 Sep 2009, 22:53, archived)
# I'm slightly obsessed with them
(, Wed 30 Sep 2009, 22:58, archived)
# Must be in here

Ooh, look, there's my first ever picture on the popular page of that challenge. Fancy that.
(, Wed 30 Sep 2009, 22:49, archived)
# i miss duphrates
(, Wed 30 Sep 2009, 23:11, archived)