Párcé-qúé í cán névér rémémbér
whén tó úsé á nórmál í ór óné óf thósé Frénch í's thát lóók líké thís ~ í
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Tue 2 Feb 2010, 23:28,
is that swedish or somethign?
edit: hang on a minute.......
French doesn't have 'i' with n accent, that's Español
(edit cos I found an n with a tilde)
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Tue 2 Feb 2010, 23:37,
French doesn't have 'i' with n accent, that's Español
(edit cos I found an n with a tilde)
Yes it does!
Doesn't ít? Ouí is meant to be written with one ísn't it?
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Tue 2 Feb 2010, 23:46,