Bad font choice...
Forget the ipad, the microsoft courier has much better gesture control. I've always wondered how to do it properly...
( ,
Tue 2 Feb 2010, 23:00,
Forget the ipad, the microsoft courier has much better gesture control. I've always wondered how to do it properly...
Erm, ok?
Is it me, or does Shaun of the Dead look quite dated? Still fucking great though.
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Tue 2 Feb 2010, 23:07,
Everything looks dated to me
But then again, I live in the future
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Tue 2 Feb 2010, 23:08,
which bit?
edit. wait, did you just edit?
or am I really thast drunked?
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Tue 2 Feb 2010, 23:17,
or am I really thast drunked?
Párcé-qúé í cán névér rémémbér
whén tó úsé á nórmál í ór óné óf thósé Frénch í's thát lóók líké thís ~ í
( ,
Tue 2 Feb 2010, 23:28,
is that swedish or somethign?
edit: hang on a minute.......
French doesn't have 'i' with n accent, that's Español
(edit cos I found an n with a tilde)
( ,
Tue 2 Feb 2010, 23:37,
French doesn't have 'i' with n accent, that's Español
(edit cos I found an n with a tilde)
Yes it does!
Doesn't ít? Ouí is meant to be written with one ísn't it?
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Tue 2 Feb 2010, 23:46,
Je suis très désolé, mais il n'y a pas de 'i' avec une accent en Français.
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Wed 3 Feb 2010, 0:01,
There is no more Germany in the future
France got pissed off with all the white flag jokes and decided to conquer Europe.
*munches on croissant*
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Tue 2 Feb 2010, 23:11,
*munches on croissant*
You smug bastard!
How are thing anyhoo Oh Dixon of Pocoyo? Did you miss us?
( ,
Tue 2 Feb 2010, 23:13,
It's almost like the last time I saw you you were
dancing on a massive plinth in Trafalgar Square dressed as a dog. Although, thinking about it, that was probably a dream!
( ,
Tue 2 Feb 2010, 23:21,
hey future boy...
are there yet girls on the internet in your time?
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Tue 2 Feb 2010, 23:09,
There have never been girls on the internet and there never will be
It's just the webcam software these days is so advanced you can overlay your own face with that of a nubile 17 year old cheerleader
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Tue 2 Feb 2010, 23:12,
my software must be broken then.
all i ever see on webcam are 50yo trannies
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Tue 2 Feb 2010, 23:15,
is '' your homepage?
If it is I may be able to see your problem...
( ,
Tue 2 Feb 2010, 23:17,
Don't be silly
It's all Integrated Thermal Bosonplates these days
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Tue 2 Feb 2010, 23:22,
Dunno, I watched it again last year and didn't think it looked dated
But then I'm terrible with noticing things about films. Everyone else seems to see continuity problems that I completely miss.
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Tue 2 Feb 2010, 23:10,
I watched it 2 months ago and it didn't.
Weird, must be because it is now Twenty One Oh or something.
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Tue 2 Feb 2010, 23:11,
Now I want to do a silent movie-style SotD shop
but I've gotta get to bed else I won't get up early tomorrow :(
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Tue 2 Feb 2010, 23:19,
I watched gran torino yesterday.
one of the first films i've enjoyed for quite a while, not that i watch many. Eastwood was pure class.
( ,
Tue 2 Feb 2010, 23:17,
May I recommend Up in the Air?
Along with Jason Reitman's other film, Thank you for Smoking. Both utter fucking win!
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Tue 2 Feb 2010, 23:23,
I want to see that one.
I'm going to watch 'A Prophet' tomorrow. It's had great reviews.
( ,
Tue 2 Feb 2010, 23:26,
I am looking forward to seeing that when
I get round to it. Looks fucking stunning. I saw it was nominated for an Oscar today. Have you seen Thank You for Smoking?
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Tue 2 Feb 2010, 23:32,
No! It's on that long list of
films I want to see but haven't got round to yet... I'll move it nearer the top on your recommendation.
( ,
Tue 2 Feb 2010, 23:34,
It's one of my favourite films
of the last 10 years. I really loved it. Better than Up in the Air in my opinion. It very much has the feel of In the Loop but in a more Hollywood manner. The characters are all so well written. Nothing left to chance. Sam Elliot as the Marlboro Man was utter win!
( ,
Tue 2 Feb 2010, 23:40,
Sounds excellent. Good film comedy is
such a rare commodity. I shall get on the case!
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Tue 2 Feb 2010, 23:44,
I don't want to get your hopes up too much though,
in case you end up disappointed. It isn't filmed as a documentary style film, like In the Loop, but it is filmed "in the 3rd person" if that makes any sense?
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Tue 2 Feb 2010, 23:51,
I think so.
I shall watch with an open mind. I'm sure it's ace.
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Tue 2 Feb 2010, 23:58,
To be fair,
it is very rare than a foreign language film that gets hyped so much is a let down. Purely for the fact that they generally have to be fucking brilliant to even get mentioned in the UK and US.
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Tue 2 Feb 2010, 23:52,
true dat.
if they get hyped it's usually deserved, not the product of a slick publicity campaign. I'm very hopeful.
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Tue 2 Feb 2010, 23:57,