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» Aug 2010 «

London zombies

It's that time of year again when the living dead will walk the streets of London, then go home on the tube covered in blood.

The facebook event is listed below, for more information check out www.housepartyofthedead.com/

All are welcome :)

Directions from the director have arrived -
The date: Saturday August 21st

The place: 8 moody street, e1 4by. Closest tube is Stepney Green, also in walking distance from Bethnal Green & Mile End

The time: Arrive anytime between 11 and 12 (that’s in the morning I’m afraid for fans of Friday night drinking - but don’t worry, a hangover is encouraged to help with the zombie ambience)

What to wear: We’ll be providing you with zombie make-up so don’t worry about that. It’s up to you what you wear - but bear in mind it will get fake blood on it. If you already have anything ripped, muddied or bloodied then all the better. (For some of you this will just mean coming in the clothes you went out in on the Friday night)
If you fancy dressing up in something different to your normal attire, then all the better. Have a think of what your zombie did before it became infected, and it would be nice to see some East London themes - zombie Shoreditch hipsters, zombie Olympic athletes, zombie East Enders, zombie hoodies, zombie strippers & sexworkers, zombie football hooligans, zombie bankers, zombie Polish construction workers...

Also if any of you are in possession of a child or an old person (and they’re not easily offended), bring them along so if possible it isn’t a zombie horde made up exclusively of 20 and 30 somethings. Food and drink will be provided, but I know how “thirsty” some of you get, so feel free to bring your own provisions.

What next: We need you to email your details - Name, Mobile & Email to Katie at [email protected]
This is not just for a pretense at organisation, but we’ll also need your details for the credits and to keep you notified of fun stuff such as when the premiere party is. And also, most importantly, because we are also being filmed by a TV crew for a documentary on Sky 1. Yes, we’ve sold what remains of our souls to the Satanic combination of Rupert Murdoch and Reality TV and we’re dragging you to Hell with us.

So yeah - email [email protected] now.

That’s it for now Comrades,
Your Director.

Sat 21 Aug 2010, 12:00

Stepney Green [map]

London zombies

Going: emvee, Pazuzu (2 people).

(, Thu 29 Jul 2010, 17:19, Reply)

I and the good lady will be sadly out of town that date.

Those considering it... DO IT!!!

(, Fri 30 Jul 2010, 11:53, Reply)
i shall be in the lake district on that date

riding around with some pipe sticking out of my car window.

(, Mon 9 Aug 2010, 12:20, Reply)

I miss being an old person by 5 days!

(, Wed 11 Aug 2010, 13:08, Reply)

» Aug 2010 «