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» Apr 2011 «

Things that fly.

BASH ON SATURDAY and flying things in the afternoon - SUNDAY BREKKIES
5am to 12noon MASSIVE CAR BOOT or just sleep it off.

Amoebaboy and CHB invite you all, well mostly all, to a spectacular event of flying stuff.
(I'll let Amoebaboy expand on his stuff, probably below)

There will be the usual vast vats of curry and a bbq in the garden if I can catch or find something to cook on it.

All the usual stuff and a live band but with things that fly over on the field opposite.

If you have anything that flys, feel free to bring it along and I promise not to shoot it down.

In the evening there will be a launch of sky lanterns that were left over from the last bash where folk were too pissed to care about sky lanterns, so yeah, sky lanterns.

There will be a few surprises on the day but if I told you, they wouldn't be surprises so fuck off or something.

The Captain's Spanking Parlour will be open for business as usual.

Loads of room to camp or you can crash in the house somewhere or simply sleep where you fall over you fat drunken mess.

The usual full English in the morning should you be able to face it.

I will lay on a fair bit of booze but I suggest you bring something too. I couldn't give a rat's toss if we run out of booze, I don't drink, but I bet you would!

A stitch in time is tistitchme.

I don't really know why I just said that :(

Loads of off road parking.

A completely ordinary bash except the bits that aren't and if you're still here on Sunday, I can arrange a spot of off road 4x4ing or trip to the best farm shop in the world.

Nature lovers may be interested that Fordham Woods runs alongside the field. It is set in the wetlands and there is a board walk that runs a couple of miles through the wood. It's full of all kinds of shit like woodpeckers, kingfishers and emperor dragon flys what are like fucking birds man! But get this. Water buffalo. Yeah, fucking water buffalo. They put a bunch of water buffalo in there to keep the grass down. They don't bite or anything, in fact they might even come over for a chat. Imagine that? Fucking water buffalo.

My dog Tara will be happy to show you round.

(, Wed 1 Dec 2010, 18:35, Reply)
yay !

i shall be supplying a selection of massive and dangerous kites with a kite buggy and a land board, for anybody who cares to have a go.
also i might bring a mate of mine, top freestyle buggy pilot and notorious piss head.

(, Wed 1 Dec 2010, 19:08, Reply)
I sir shall endevour to

forecast the arrival of something of a more mechanical nature.

(, Thu 2 Dec 2010, 16:23, Reply)
No idea if I am off on this date

but fuck it, if it comes to it, i`ll go sick.

(, Sun 5 Dec 2010, 8:32, Reply)

(, Mon 27 Dec 2010, 20:55, Reply)
I think I might have to make an appearance

With my own set of large, dangerous kites etc.

Especially as this is just down the road from me.

(, Sun 12 Dec 2010, 18:38, Reply)
Oh? You are more than welcome.

Where abouts are you?

(, Tue 14 Dec 2010, 15:34, Reply)
Other side of Cambridge

Between Haverhill and Sudbury. I'm also a qualified power kite instructor if that's helpful ;)

(, Sun 19 Dec 2010, 23:34, Reply)
Yeah cool. It'll be good to meet you.

We've got the whole of the sales field which is about 600 acres so I'm working on something a little larger ;)

(, Sat 25 Dec 2010, 0:48, Reply)

Never mind your birthday, we'll come up to pat your lovely dog ;)

(, Thu 6 Jan 2011, 17:22, Reply)

This is her. Her name is Tara and she won't even eat your face off or anything!

(, Sat 8 Jan 2011, 20:18, Reply)
alsatian FTW

(, Tue 11 Jan 2011, 8:27, Reply)
awww best doggy :D

(, Wed 19 Jan 2011, 14:11, Reply)
Intermittent lurker

First b3ta bash - me and Mrs P wouldn't mind coming along - we're in that there Burwell place...

(, Sat 19 Feb 2011, 17:53, Reply)
expect sickness.

(, Mon 21 Feb 2011, 18:14, Reply)
Ah. I was there today buying coal.

Do drop in any time.

(, Tue 22 Feb 2011, 22:49, Reply)
Stick na motherfucing name down

(, Wed 23 Feb 2011, 7:25, Reply)
I really do wish I could make this.

But a triple 50th birthday party involving Mum and two mutual friends who are also turning 50 is bloody difficult to say no to.

(, Mon 4 Apr 2011, 23:38, Reply)

» Apr 2011 «