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» Dec 2011 «

Off Topic symposium.

A couple of cheeky pre-Christmas drinks, with the possibility of the curry.

Venue: Sebright Arms


Start: 7.15pm

Once boozed, Needoos (or maybe as a break from the booze, before more booze).

(, Tue 22 Nov 2011, 20:07, Reply)
i'm not coming i just like lists

(, Wed 30 Nov 2011, 20:25, Reply)
If you do I'll even buy you a pint son.

(, Wed 30 Nov 2011, 22:34, Reply)
So you'll buy him a pint for liking lists?

(, Fri 2 Dec 2011, 0:51, Reply)
i fucken love lists

(, Wed 7 Dec 2011, 22:15, Reply)
Just done a google streetview

what a delightful looking establishment. Good luck not getting shivved!

(, Sun 4 Dec 2011, 18:32, Reply)
Monty chose the pub

The choice was either that, or the Blind Beggar.

(, Mon 5 Dec 2011, 13:08, Reply)
Figures, poofy north london establishment that it is.

(, Tue 6 Dec 2011, 16:33, Reply)
Oh man I am all over this

(, Thu 8 Dec 2011, 17:41, Reply)
Will you be bringing breasts?

It's looking like a bit of a sausage-fest ATM

(, Fri 9 Dec 2011, 11:57, Reply)

» Dec 2011 «