b3ta.com challenge: limericks
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This is a challengeLimericks (This challenge is now closed)


Make up a limerick or short poem, then illustrate your work using the medium of picture or animation.

(, Wed 1 Sep 2010, 22:35)
Pages: 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (or see the popular posts)
# "...or short poem"? I´ll borrow this thread for a repost, then.

(, Tue 7 Sep 2010, 14:48, More)
# Last Beast Standing

Click for bigger (172 kb)

“An animal is most dangerous when it is dying…”
(, Tue 7 Sep 2010, 13:03, More)
# .

(, Tue 7 Sep 2010, 3:47, More)
# woof

(, Tue 7 Sep 2010, 1:33, More)

(, Tue 7 Sep 2010, 0:55, More)
# Shakespear it ain't

.... nor is it a limerick.
(, Mon 6 Sep 2010, 22:54, More)
# Look in the sky, there's a plane
behind it a condensation train
but it's not just water
it's a harbinger of slaughter
and we're all fucked next time it rains.
(, Mon 6 Sep 2010, 22:04, More)
# There once was a whole load of Jews
who control stuff whenever they choose
they're lizards from space
and they're the master race
and they brainwash us with aspartame in juice

(, Mon 6 Sep 2010, 21:53, More)
# New World Order Poem

(, Mon 6 Sep 2010, 21:39, More)
# old

Mary had a little lamb
She took it up to Reading
She tied it to a lamppost
And kicked its *$&#ing head in
(, Mon 6 Sep 2010, 21:25, More)
# Uno due tre

(, Mon 6 Sep 2010, 20:45, More)
# sfdohsihfsdfsdf

(, Mon 6 Sep 2010, 19:30, More)
# : I

am I doing it right?
(, Mon 6 Sep 2010, 17:38, More)

(, Mon 6 Sep 2010, 15:28, More)
# The Tourettes Lad Shouted "Nigger!"
At a black man- stronger and bigger
Who applied a thick pole
to the young man's butt hole
such that his anus then lost all its rigor.
(, Mon 6 Sep 2010, 15:12, More)
# Limerick - am I doing it right?

Click for Biggar!
(, Mon 6 Sep 2010, 13:26, More)
# B3ta vs. Work.

There was an accountant named Peter,
Who discovered a website called b3ta,
His boss caught him grinning
at a gif of cock spinning
And now he's become a job seeker!

P.S. First b3ta post. Be kind.
(, Mon 6 Sep 2010, 13:20, More)
# The bane of my youth

(, Mon 6 Sep 2010, 12:31, More)

(, Mon 6 Sep 2010, 11:44, More)
# here is a poem and a picture of the poem and the poem is in the picture.

(, Mon 6 Sep 2010, 8:00, More)
Pages: 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (or see the popular posts)