I have an idea for a 21st century egg cup!
Imagine this...
~ ~ ~ (wavy lines of imagination) ~ ~ ~
* The suction things you get that attach a satnav to your car windscreen. * The leg things off one of them flexible camera tripods. * Another, smaller, one of them suction things you get that attach a satnav to your car windscreen. * Futuristic digital timepiece / alarm clock * Bath plug chain * Spoon
No, let's mix figures, letters and symbols. 5 quid for 25%. (Of your car suction egg cup business.)
(Pig Face TurnipI know a little German. He's over there., Mon 22 Jul 2013, 13:12,
That's numberwang
(Another_tragic_casewished he hadn't eaten all the cake, Mon 22 Jul 2013, 13:25,
To be honest 25% is a bit too much for me to want to give away...
but the fiver is veeeery tempting.
What would you bring to my enterprise that say Deborah Meaden or Theo Profiterole couldn't?
(mr.dogshitThe world's premier anthropomorphic canine faeces, Mon 22 Jul 2013, 13:31,
An empty contacts book. Which you can sell almost as new.
(Pig Face TurnipI know a little German. He's over there., Mon 22 Jul 2013, 13:33,
Hmmm, if it has those lettered tabs on the edges of the pages...
I think we may have ourselves a deal!
(mr.dogshitThe world's premier anthropomorphic canine faeces, Mon 22 Jul 2013, 13:42,
Throws money at screen.
(sm.pl.crt.rsI don't fucking know, do I?, Mon 22 Jul 2013, 17:19,
Why am I wondering if your new friend is secretly a B3tard?
(MrOliis ugly, but in the morning you will be sober, Mon 22 Jul 2013, 13:27,
Might be. He's got a good head for business that's for sure.
(Pig Face TurnipI know a little German. He's over there., Mon 22 Jul 2013, 13:34,
He certainly has. I do hope this doesn't turn out to be one big yolk*
Just be wary if he invites you to a "blue-sky session" in his basemdownstairs drawing room.
* sorry.
(MrOliis ugly, but in the morning you will be sober, Mon 22 Jul 2013, 13:43,
Great stuff!
Enjoyed that :)
(BobodPerpetually following through, Mon 22 Jul 2013, 22:21,
Each step leads many steps pcreate a stairs
Beautiful, profound, powerful.
(Marn, Fri 26 Jul 2013, 15:43,
i want the triple egg cup.
at the moment I have to make do with 3 individual ones.
(reali'm not happy 'til you're not happy, Thu 1 Aug 2013, 10:28,
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