I assume the page not loading is the rest of the world checking that out
Edit: Max von Sydow?? Isn't he dead yet, he looked fucking old in the Exorcist and that was 1973 or something
Jahled Three shades of black, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 17:59,
He's only 35 years old
Doctors hate him
--- ---, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 18:05,
It's Emperor Fucking Ming!
I've changed my mind. I want to see this now...
evil_andy Stick stick stick stick sticky sticky stick stick, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 18:27,
Who would win?
Emperor Fucking Ming or Emperor Palpatine?
Jahled Three shades of black, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 18:58,
Emperor Palpatine
Emperor Ming couldn't win a fight against Emperor Butterfly.
wheresthefish Partly filled with wrong, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 19:10,
Ah, but you say that, but Emperor Ming would torment Coruscant with showers of meteors and earthquakes
and the Jedi would tremble before Voltan and his hawk men and their bulbous codpieces
Jahled Three shades of black, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 19:30,
For me he will always be Liet Kynes.
jonbob loves you, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 21:58,