You can have that for a new animated series "Unexpected things that will kill you in the jungle"
however i don't know what number 3 or 4 are so you'll have to make it up. Maybe catching a willy disease from bumming a monkey?
herd of chickens First part only £1.99 and comes with a free, Wed 30 Apr 2014, 12:34,
Ebola and HIV are from monkey bumming aren't they?
I'd hazard a guess that the majority of human ills originate from monkey bumming.
crab_bloke), Wed 30 Apr 2014, 12:43,
butt what about the ills of monkeys? where do the majority of that come from
fluffybunnykiller Is feasting on the clitoris of life, Wed 30 Apr 2014, 13:22,
Same deal in reverse
all down to people bumming
crab_bloke), Wed 30 Apr 2014, 13:43,