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This is a normal post De Niro and Pacino had a falling out on Godfather II. and refused to work with each other
The scenes of them talking in the cafe is in fact them talking to a stunt double in a wig filmed from behind, and when you do see them both in profile, no one in the background crosses the screen so they could composite the shots together.
(, Wed 2 Dec 2015, 17:02, , Reply)
This is a normal post I was hoping this wasn't, in fact, true
and can't find a source for this, so I'm calling shenanigans
(, Wed 2 Dec 2015, 18:47, , Reply)
This is a normal post Can two people really be so up their own arse and unprofessional to need that?

(, Wed 2 Dec 2015, 20:08, , Reply)
This is a normal post they didn't share any scenes in Godfather 2
so that's is a big bag of bollocks
(, Wed 2 Dec 2015, 20:20, , Reply)