That song is going to be everywhere all over Christmas.
Welcome new person!
(chickenladyb3ta's very own Elizabeth Taylor, Mon 19 Nov 2007, 19:21,
Forget emo music
this is enough to make you want to kill yourself
(Absynth&CheeseHave you tasted my Jesus, Mon 19 Nov 2007, 19:42,
If I ever meet whoever made this
I'd like to kick them in the face until their eyes come out at the back of their head.
(Caustic Armadilloconsists at least 30% out of custard, Mon 19 Nov 2007, 19:51,
It's even worse than the Crazy Frog...
(Bats, Mon 19 Nov 2007, 19:51,
when i become supreme ruler of the earth
i'll ban this shit and neuter anyone who buys it....... shame i'll never do it eh?
(sir loafalotended an eon of lurking on, Mon 19 Nov 2007, 19:56,
not with that attitude
(Absynth&CheeseHave you tasted my Jesus, Mon 19 Nov 2007, 20:05,
*Gets Sandy, Pulls his eyes out.
Then pisses in his open sockets*
(PR Stevelast checked his dick hadn't fallen off on, Mon 19 Nov 2007, 20:10,
Why weren't Vocoders made illegal after that Cher album?
I mean seriously - name me one song that uses a vocoder that doesn't make you want to bury a claw hammer into the face of it's creator.
(HoratioFellatioTaking the the out of psychotherapist, Mon 19 Nov 2007, 20:16,
Makes me wish there was a "I hate this" link
That is all.
(SmakkieOopsAt least the war on the environment is going well., Mon 19 Nov 2007, 22:02,
It's... just like the chick thing
Only apparently not just a ringtone. And not actually catchy, which can tempt me to forgive an awful song. Just repetitive. And he's not a gummy bear or gummibaer; look at him. I feel disappointed in the world of bubblegum pop and manufactured products. It has failed to be bright and fizzy.
(Skittlemcfluff......................, Mon 19 Nov 2007, 22:25,
Gummy Gummy.... *dances*
(Reebusdoes what he does, Mon 19 Nov 2007, 23:30,
I was massively disappointed
I wanted this: (but now I've found the link anyway, so what does it matter?)
(Stephen Sondheim..-. ..- -.- . -.- -.-- . .- ...., Mon 19 Nov 2007, 23:46,
not bad, but it's
really just a pale imitation of this b3ta classic
(thirstya rare visitor these days, Mon 19 Nov 2007, 23:58,
Oh no.
My ears just bled out through my eyes, which then turned around inside my head and exploded.
(John_Anon_PrinceI have no heart and soul, Tue 20 Nov 2007, 2:33,
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