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This is a link post Producer of 'Holmes & Watson' blogs ahead of its release
Includes such nuggets as "It’s a sophisticated comedic romp that’s very much of the moment"
“Holmes & Watson” Film Starring Will Ferrell Launches Christmas Day
By David Mimran

(, Thu 4 Jul 2019, 10:00, , Reply)
This is a normal post you have to sign in to see whatever that is
also, I laughed a lot at Holmes and Watson, don't know why people were so upset by it.
It's not Anchorman or Taledega Nights, but it's good fun after a couple of drinks and john C Reilly is great.
(, Thu 4 Jul 2019, 10:36, , Reply)
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(, Thu 4 Jul 2019, 11:32, , Reply)
This is a normal post I like Reilly and Ferrell
But I had to turn it off.
(, Thu 4 Jul 2019, 14:01, , Reply)
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Didn't watch it. Got bored of this style of movie a long time ago. Hate that stream of consciousness improv style 'funny' in a movie. Film enough film while people talk utter shit and maybe we can use 3% of it to knock together a movie scene. Sharp and well written stuff by comedy writers is much more funny.
(, Thu 4 Jul 2019, 15:21, , Reply)
This is a normal post Or: It was Paul Feig (oh, ok, & Katie Dippold)
that fucked the new Ghostbusters, not women and Chris Hemsworth (actually, fuck him).
(, Thu 4 Jul 2019, 18:07, , Reply)
This is a normal post Of the *many* things wrong with that movie,
One of my biggest irks was the whole 'Let's make a Chris Hemsworth's character really obviously fucking thick, since he's physically attractive.' As if they were being really clever and subversive, when in fact it just came off as petty and a little resentful.

But yeah, fuck Hemsworth for taking that part.
(, Thu 4 Jul 2019, 18:24, , Reply)
This is a normal post But it's a great reversal of the first film, where their receptionist is hot but stupid.
Oh wait.
(, Thu 4 Jul 2019, 21:44, , Reply)
This is a normal post Has to be said though
Hemsworth makes a very convincing Lebowski.
(, Fri 5 Jul 2019, 13:46, , Reply)