fuck Apple
fuck google too.
money is the root of all evil and they are good at it. Which is odd because googles statement is "dont be evil"
Turboesprit Volume knob, Tue 20 Aug 2019, 16:05,
Actually, "the love of money is the root of all evil"...
Happosai _,,,,_(O ; o)_,,,, Tue 20 Aug 2019, 17:14,
oh ok
so theyre not evil then. PHEW.
Turboesprit Volume knob, Tue 20 Aug 2019, 17:34,
I didn't say they don't love money...
Happosai _,,,,_(O ; o)_,,,, Tue 20 Aug 2019, 18:50,
They dropped "don't be evil" a while ago.
Presumably because someone thought up a bloody brilliant evil plan that would have been a shame to waste.
eViLegion Chief Commissioner of the Scottish Lunacy Board, Tue 20 Aug 2019, 17:41,
oh ok
so they are evil then. not surprised really.
Turboesprit Volume knob, Tue 20 Aug 2019, 17:51,