Fixed it.
I made this!
Boaty McBoatface
@lexistwit is still here occasionally, Thu 26 Sep 2019, 18:32,
as it should have been. it's what the people wanted.
Woodkovsky โน๏ธโ๐ปโ๐ฝโ๐ฃโ๐ฉโ๐งปโ๐, Thu 26 Sep 2019, 19:47,
There should have been a referendum on it.
Prufrock Lucifer, son of the morning!, Thu 26 Sep 2019, 20:12,
There was, but it seems they'll do anything to avoid going through with the option the majority voted for.
evil_andy Stick stick stick stick sticky sticky stick stick, Thu 26 Sep 2019, 20:55,
But what if the majority doesn't know what's good for 'em?
Solution is to give multipliers.
eg. b3tans get +1000 voting points (VP) . Daily Mail readers -100 VP .
ProjectWeasel The Bird is the Word, Thu 26 Sep 2019, 21:36,
Don't forget the (80 - age) multiplier
So you get more say the longer you have to deal with the fallout.
tarka_dall Like normal dall, only a bit more spicy, Thu 26 Sep 2019, 21:45,
Quite right. Let's just deny the vote to those who disagree with the right ideology.
evil_andy Stick stick stick stick sticky sticky stick stick, Fri 27 Sep 2019, 13:59,
A million grains of rice would weigh just over 15.5 tons. Which I'm sure you'll agree is totally insignificant.
Also as the very top comment points out, that's the same picture rotated.
evil_andy Stick stick stick stick sticky sticky stick stick, Fri 27 Sep 2019, 13:55,
hee hee
theswollenbeef where there's a will there's a wank, Fri 27 Sep 2019, 12:32,