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I should add that their policies on many things arent that well articulated or clear. There's very little detail on how any would be implemented, and many would require a change in the constitution and a withdrawal from the EU. They say certain things to certain groups, or the party president will say one thing then Le Pen will play it down. They said foreign born french citizens would be treated differently, but then they say the next week they and dual citizens have nothing to fear if they don't make trouble, but they've already said dual french citizens would be restricted from public positions under them. They're certainly dog whistling to their racist nationalist base. What will they do if given power? I guess that depend on how much you think they've changed their spots from their relatively recent extremist views.
(, Mon 8 Jul 2024, 23:25, , Reply)
This is a normal post And Labour?
Do they have delineated policies, or were they a bit vague before the election.
(, Tue 9 Jul 2024, 2:00, , Reply)
This is a normal post This may be true too, but the question was what makes the national rally far right
Starmer might be planning to launch some secret socialist five year plan but most people's guesses are that he'll be more likely centrist and disappoint most of the corbyn brigade, and we have the fairly centrist blair years as their benchmark.
Im making the argument that le pen's party are far more to the right than the tories, and may well be quite extreme if given power over policy. Like reform, they attract their fair share of fruitcake candidates that even the tories would disown. Their bedfellows certainly are far right, they're not reaching out to the tories, its Orban and Bannon. Nationalist, xenophobic, authoritarian, great replacement theory cunts
(, Tue 9 Jul 2024, 3:15, , Reply)
This is a normal post But if we're going strictly by National Rally's manifesto as it stands
They're Right-wing as opposed to 'Far-right', no?

I completely agree that the party certainly has the potential to become far-right should they ever come into power, but the media labeling them as such at the moment just feels like an opportunity for extra clicks, and it goes without saying why their opposition are using that particular term.
(, Tue 9 Jul 2024, 5:46, , Reply)
This is a normal post Do you think the Nazi's were elected on a platform of killing millions of people in death camps?
Why would you go on the manifesto as it stands when the party and it's most influential people have a history of being openly fascist? I doubt you went purely on what Corbyn said as leader and ignored what he'd said before winning leadership of Labour.
(, Tue 9 Jul 2024, 8:40, , Reply)
This is a normal post The NSDAP manifesto was significantly more Right-wing than National Rally's
(, Tue 9 Jul 2024, 9:18, , Reply)
This is a normal post The Nazis didn't have the history of the Nazis reminding people that Nazis are bad
so it's not surprising the new Nazis are hiding their Naziness more than the OG Nazis.
(, Sat 20 Jul 2024, 11:19, , Reply)
This is a normal post no Macron's party is the centre right party, the national rally is the far right, as is their current manifesto such as it is
I've explained it as concisely as I can. this categorisation, though not precise, is not something that is disputed in France, the originator of the terms. National Rally are a far right nativist, anti-islam, authoritarian party.. they share similar platforms with other far right parties like the German AFD, Geert's freedom party, Meloni's Fratelli party, orbans fidesz. all these countries also have centre right wing parties, these are the far right alternatives.
And they're all shit. Hungary's economy is tanking, 25% inflation, but he's fucking the press and the judiciary to stay in power. Meloni in italy is trying to get powers to broadcast nothing but party propaganda in the lead up to the election. Like brexit, it's s simple bullshit fantasy of returning to an idealised white past, designed to appeal to the simple, racists, and growing army of incels, but what they deliver is to make things shitter and nastier for everyone while consolidating undemocratic, unaccountable power
(, Tue 9 Jul 2024, 11:33, , Reply)