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This is a normal post The first one was mediocre. Not that bovvered about a sequel.

(, Wed 24 Jul 2024, 10:29, , Reply)
This is a normal post I completely disagree but respect your opinion
(though not enough to resist letting you know i disagree with it and that i now think you are a total spaztard for disliking one of my favourite films ever. I mean what is wrong with you? the tone was excellent, beautifully shot and acted, good pacing, cracking music and use of batman lore...i mean SERIOUSLY how can you possibly think that? Though tbf i thought de niro was miscast. all i could think was "there's robert de niro being Robert de niro. He's been in lots of films". Maybe you didn't like that so ok but "mediocre"? Maybe you want to be edgey, or someone you don't like absolutely loves the film so you can't like it, or you're a marvel fanboy. I mean I'm not taking it personally you don't like the film, i wasnt involved in the production in any way and take no credit for joaquin phoenix's performance or the script but i loved the darkness of it. Just so you know I'm quite looking forward to the sequel but never watch trailers because I'm better than you).
(, Wed 24 Jul 2024, 16:01, , Reply)
This is a normal post It was, deliberately and as stated by the director, a homage to Taxi Driver and The King of Comedy
It was nowhere near as good as those two films, and aside from Joaquin Phoenix's performance, pretty forgettable.

A solid 6/10.
(, Wed 24 Jul 2024, 16:04, , Reply)
This is a normal post Good lord you mean it isn't the first film there's ever been?!
Taxi Driver is overrated but I'll watch king of comedy once I've finished below deck.
(, Wed 24 Jul 2024, 18:59, , Reply)
This is a normal post Taxi Driver 'overrated' eh?
You fucking stupid fucking cunt.
(, Wed 24 Jul 2024, 19:05, , Reply)
This is a normal post It's fine.
Some people rabidly defend the fuck out of Taxi Driver as if any criticism aimed at the film is a direct attack (probably because they've had more than one wank over infant Jodie Foster).
There are also probably quite a few people who have never seen the film that also laud Taxi Driver as one of the greatest American movies of the 20th century because they've heard it's amazing.

At the end of the day, it's a Scorsese film, so it'd be a reach to ever call it a bad film. But, like The Joker (also by no means a bad film), it's a largely forgettable, dull as dishwasher character study.
As Character Studies go, it's undoubtedly one of the best, if not the best character study in cinema, but there are character studies out there that have made subjectively better overall movies (The Wrestler, There Will be Blood, The Whale - none of which will likely ever have the lasting acclaim that Taxi Driver has had).

It's also definitely not Scorsese's best film, and it wouldn't rank in my top 50 favourite movies. But it's fine. You'll argue that I'm wrong because sooooo many other people have nominated it as one of the greatest movies of all time, but that's because, as dyllon rightly says, it's overrated.
(, Thu 25 Jul 2024, 7:16, , Reply)
This is a normal post And sadly, the finest character study of functional PTSD ever committed to film
Is dismissed as a kid's film about a pig who flies an aeroplane.
It's a harsh and uncaring universe.
(, Thu 25 Jul 2024, 11:00, , Reply)