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This is a normal post I can see both sides
No the police shouldn't be kicking people in the head when they're down.
However they're not robots, he's been punched in the head a lot and is under enormous stress and his team has been injured. He's not a high level operator ninja, gone through massive selection and training to ensure he has the aptitude/talent which has then been nurtured to ensure he's ice cold enough to cease all force the second it's not needed, he's a policeman who wanted some excitement so signed up to have a weapon.
I've seen enough videos where you think someone has been tasered and is down then somehow gets back up and starts fighting again. The cop knows the situation is on a knife edge, he doesn't know what the spectators are about to do, it's uncertain how the rest of his team is, are they about to get taken by a mob? He probably does think I'll boot this POS one as I'm very angry and i need to make sure he stays down.
You can train people all you like but in the heat and stress of that you're going into lizard mode and if you only select people who stay absolutely calm 100% of the time you're only going to have about 12 police.
And TBH if you're not going to respect the police fuck you. That is an incredibly tough job.
TDLR from the comfort of my sofa no he shouldn't have done it but i doubt i would have done any better.
(, Tue 30 Jul 2024, 7:59, , Reply)
This is a normal post I was with you up to 'and TBH...'

(, Tue 30 Jul 2024, 11:18, , Reply)
This is a normal post There's no reasonable expectation for police officers to stay calm 100% of the time.
There is a reasonable expectation that police officers shall not attempt to murder people by kicking them repeatedly in the head while they're being electrocuted.

There is a reasonable expectation that police officers should be sufficiently vetted and trained to protect the public by de-escalating potentially violent situations rather than doing the exact opposite.

There is a reasonable expectation that police officers filmed in the act of attempted murder shall face trial and conviction for those crimes.

My respect for the police does not extend to supporting thuggish police brutality, those who think it should are, I think, dangerously stupid cunts.
(, Tue 30 Jul 2024, 15:15, , Reply)
This is a normal post "if you're not going to respect the police fuck you"
Ohh! What wouldn't I give to get a boot in the head! I sometimes hang awake at night dreaming of being booted in the head after being tazed. You got off lightly! Now, take my case. They hung me up here five years ago. Every night, they take me down for twenty minutes, then they hang me up again, which I regard as very fair, in view of what I done, and, if nothing else, it's taught me to respect the Romans, and it's taught me... that you'll never get anywhere in this life, unless you're prepared to do a fair day's work for a fair day's pay! Wonderful people, the Romans.

Anyway, you say they are people who wanted some excitement so signed up to have a weapon?

The way you describe them they sound more like someone who needs to be on a short leash, not on a pedestal.
(, Wed 31 Jul 2024, 15:08, , Reply)