bananas are the devil's cocks. Horrid, yellow, other-food-polluting bastards that they are.
And they give me agonising indigestion. I mean real, doubled over, tears-in-the-eyes, wailing like a small child agony, too.
( , Thu 9 Jul 2009, 11:20, Reply)

bananas are nice, full of potassium that gives you a cleaner & longer-lasting lift than a cup of coffee. Though coffee AND banana is yum.
I feel sorry that you have allergy to banana though, there's nothing you can do about that unfortunately! I have allergy to apple, it gives me the same pains you decribe, which is a shame as I used to like apples.
( , Fri 10 Jul 2009, 16:54, Reply)

Possibly you are allergic to them?
And if you are allergic to bananas, you may very likely be allergic to latex as well. Just a cautionary note.
( , Sat 11 Jul 2009, 1:57, Reply)