I'm pretty sure the Wii popularized motion controls whether parts of the technology existed before it or not.
((|D[ekionplexisB3ta.com: fictional child porn is OK, Tue 7 Jun 2011, 16:55,
sadly popular still doesn't mean good
(HappyToastGroat froth, Tue 7 Jun 2011, 16:57,
YES IT DOES! Just look at:
Britain's got tal.... um, Strictly Come Danc..... oh, Harry Potter and t.... hmmm, N-Dub..... errrr. MacDonald's or KF...... OH FUCK IT
(Tab HunterMake this useless process end and so, begin again, Tue 7 Jun 2011, 17:04,
i totally lost all affection
for nintendo when they punished me for being a good player in EVERY wii game in the name of balance...
now my girlfriend thinks our gaming skillset is the same "i beat you at mario kart everytime"