Watch Nintendo unveil the Wii2 LIVE
Great japes.
Also if you have a 3DS, you might want to update it;
Free Excitebike and Pokedex in 3D plus E-shop and web browser now active.
Alt live stream
( , Tue 7 Jun 2011, 16:05, Reply)

Not been that impressed with the M$ presentation yesterday. Will watch the first 30 mins then fly home to watch the rest.
( , Tue 7 Jun 2011, 16:16, Reply)

sorry, only joking there, just never met an adult who was excited about Nintendo releasing anything since Goldeneye
( , Tue 7 Jun 2011, 16:26, Reply)

I like games and technology and Nintendo are the industries innovators.
I hope that answers your query.
( , Tue 7 Jun 2011, 16:29, Reply)

just only thought it was to schoolkids and mums in Asda
( , Tue 7 Jun 2011, 16:31, Reply)

But any big announcement by Nintendo is usually a game-changer.
( , Tue 7 Jun 2011, 16:36, Reply)

( , Tue 7 Jun 2011, 16:39, Reply)

But more than likely a new control system or form of interactivity that will later be copied by Microsoft and Sony as we saw with Kinect and Move.
( , Tue 7 Jun 2011, 16:47, Reply)

and the Eyetoy obviously predates the kinect
but I'm not being a ps3 fanboy there.
Just don't think any platform has done anything revolutionary that worked (and wasn't just a peripheral selling gimmick) in a very long time
( , Tue 7 Jun 2011, 16:49, Reply)

( , Tue 7 Jun 2011, 16:55, Reply)

Britain's got tal.... um,
Strictly Come Danc..... oh,
Harry Potter and t.... hmmm,
N-Dub..... errrr.
MacDonald's or KF...... OH FUCK IT
( , Tue 7 Jun 2011, 17:04, Reply)

for nintendo when they punished me for being a good player in EVERY wii game in the name of balance...
now my girlfriend thinks our gaming skillset is the same "i beat you at mario kart everytime"
( , Tue 7 Jun 2011, 17:07, Reply)

I think you're confusing me with someone with a job
( , Tue 7 Jun 2011, 17:10, Reply)

Thanks for that.
( , Tue 7 Jun 2011, 16:21, Reply)

But pedantry aside, I'm genuinely excited!
Fingers crossed that they're not too far behind the curve..
( , Tue 7 Jun 2011, 16:27, Reply)

so behind yes, but not by as much from the sounds of things
( , Tue 7 Jun 2011, 16:30, Reply)

Xbox 360 had 3 die on me, PS3 had one die and all my details nicked in the hack, wii.... well that lasted.
Not bought a wii game in years though since wii fit demoralised me into a dark fat funk though.
Now discovering the simple joys of P.C gaming on steam. Games are chip as chips there.
( , Tue 7 Jun 2011, 16:36, Reply)

Got pissed off with the 360 after having two fail.
Now have a PS3, but wish I'd got another 360.
I've recently discovered OnLive* and like it bigbig.
*I don't work for them, even if I mention them alot.
( , Tue 7 Jun 2011, 16:42, Reply)

could someone remind the industry it's nice if the damn things work!? I've certainly lost all faith in Apple in the last few years for certain, their USP now just seems to be 'Look, it's by us!', altho their various iPod's and iTunes still seem to work lovely together.
I think my fave consoles are the Xbox 360 (second hand ones now) and the original PS1, I dunno why I've got a soft spot for the last one but I would guess 'cos it was my first console crush and playing it again always takes me back.
I can't think of anything I've heard of I've gotten excited about since the 3D DS but even then I'm not interested enough to actually want one, I just wanna see one going and see what it's like.
( , Tue 7 Jun 2011, 16:49, Reply)

Still got my day of release PS2 working
PS3 died after 3 years, but I got a full replacement from Amazon with a large chunk of money back thanks to the difference in price since launch - kaching!
( , Tue 7 Jun 2011, 16:54, Reply)

and they stump up the costs of replacing it numerous times!
After that, well they get nowt back off'of second hand sales and I wouldn't be daft enough to buy another new one, so can't see it working well as general policy, really.
( , Tue 7 Jun 2011, 17:35, Reply)

I just don't think I'm in their demographic any more...
Might just save my pennies for the strangely named PS-Vita if I get anything at all...
( , Tue 7 Jun 2011, 16:38, Reply)

Still have me PSP, although mainly for all the homebrew rather than the full games
( , Tue 7 Jun 2011, 16:43, Reply)

While I don't love everything Ninty do, as long as they keep making Zelda games I'll always be interested. They have some excellent franchises and they're never afraid to do unusual, unexpected things with them. Despite their foray into the casual market in more recent times, they are definitely the most innovative of the 'big three'.
( , Tue 7 Jun 2011, 16:58, Reply)

Screen controller is nice, would like to see how good it's drawing ability is.
Glad its all backward compatible though, all the old peripherals aren't landfill just yet :)
the bird/cherry blossom demo is lovely
( , Tue 7 Jun 2011, 17:53, Reply)

Most probs will stick with the Vita, but it looks interesting regardless.
( , Tue 7 Jun 2011, 17:57, Reply)

much better than I was expecting, they've clearly listened to the complaints.
( , Tue 7 Jun 2011, 18:14, Reply)