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This is a link post B3ta links on Twitter I made this!
The B3tan, WeirdWeb made this a few years back and it stopped working (2 years ago?) - so he gave me the account today and I wrote some exciting code that does pretty much the same thing as it always did.

I figured 4,000 people follow it - a shame for that to go to waste. Assuming they're not all dead or bots themselves.

Follow it if this is your bag. If not, as you were.

Oh and if a few of you vote for this - this link should appear on the twitter feed and the internet will eat itself etc.

EDIT: Also I've now put a relevant link back to /links in each tweet - mostly this is to provide context, I found the links with the titles a little bit bare and often I want to read the thread. E.g. https://twitter.com/b3ta_links/status/672040065133125632

So yeah - new, extra functionality, although this does decrease the amount of words in the tweet - compromises have to be made etc.
(, Tue 1 Dec 2015, 22:51, , Reply)
This is a normal post Great
if you are into that kind of thing.

Edit: I also like the recursiveness if this becomes popular.
(, Tue 1 Dec 2015, 22:54, , Reply)
This is a normal post and the recursion worked
(, Tue 1 Dec 2015, 23:02, , Reply)
This is a normal post oh wow it's like when people on Gogglebox watch Gogglebox

(, Tue 1 Dec 2015, 23:35, , Reply)
This is a normal post Spamcock!

(, Tue 1 Dec 2015, 23:19, , Reply)
This is a normal post [X], eh?

(, Tue 1 Dec 2015, 23:28, , Reply)
This is a normal post yeah [x]
i.e. a value I will change if and when people game the fuck out it
(, Tue 1 Dec 2015, 23:31, , Reply)