Onion-based genius...
Had me giggling like a girl. Tagged NSFW just in case.
Apologies if of the GC variety.
EnglishHaggis Blah blah. Whatever., Fri 10 Jun 2011, 15:00,
This had me giggling.
The Onion's been around for ages, but it's fairly consistently funny.
Tab Hunter Make this useless process end and so, begin again, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 15:02,
What ^^ said
unclepills Enjoy yourself, it's later than you think., Fri 10 Jun 2011, 15:37,
I do have a name Mr Pills!
*flounces out*
Tab Hunter Make this useless process end and so, begin again, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 15:46,
Mea culpa
and a cowboy, a mexican cowboy.
unclepills Enjoy yourself, it's later than you think., Fri 10 Jun 2011, 15:47,
I've been a long time fan of the Onion
But nowadays, my greatest chuckles come from The Daily Mash:
theremin put the lotion in the basket on, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 15:45,
I love the Daily Mash...
but you'll struggle to beat NewsThump these days - particularly if you've got them on That There Facebook.
They do some fantastically well-written stuff, but their overarching strength is how quick they are on the ball. I'm no stranger to getting my news from b3ta, but quite often these days I get the NewsThump before even that...
barryheadwound Mul-ti-pass? Multipass!, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 15:51,
Fave Daily Mash ever...
barryheadwound Mul-ti-pass? Multipass!, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 15:55,
ooh, newsthump. tx for that
unclepills Enjoy yourself, it's later than you think., Fri 10 Jun 2011, 15:59,
Still not sure about The Mash
Seems a but clunky / clumsy / ham-fisted and angry
but has its' moments
unclepills Enjoy yourself, it's later than you think., Fri 10 Jun 2011, 15:51,
Tbh he's probably thinking the exact same thing
hieronymus bosch pcmechanic 4ver in ar harts, goodnite sweet angle, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 15:46,
Excellent acting from the anchorwoman
Lord Keeps meaning to procrastinate., Fri 10 Jun 2011, 17:05,