so much love from the B3ta massive, always a pleasure to share my work, also, wipe the Tories out!
( , Sun 10 Nov 2019, 13:52, Reply)

Replace them with more cunts! And round and round we go.
( , Sun 10 Nov 2019, 18:36, Reply)

If life has taught me anything (which is itself debatable), it's that everyone, at any given moment, is somewhere on the cunt spectrum. It's important to recognise that the behaviour of the Conservative party is massively, abhorrently, and punitively cunty, and it's entirely possible to replace them with altogether different cunts who are perhaps only modestly cunty. You can choose. It's important.
( , Sun 10 Nov 2019, 21:14, Reply)

"Oh it must have been while you were kissing me."
( , Mon 11 Nov 2019, 5:49, Reply)

I genuinely don't understand why people think this works. No-one I know reacts positively to this kind of message. Demonising people with different views on how to run a country never works. Painting UK political parties as evil is nonsense when there is real evil in the world.
What we desperately need is professional, capable and intelligent legislators who don't deal in 5 second quotes for social media. We need genuine thinkers who are able to consider all aspects of any legislation, not just what plays well to their tribal audience.
( , Mon 11 Nov 2019, 22:56, Reply)

nae bother ya Tory wank, 130,000 deaths directly attributable to austerity.
away and fuck a dog
( , Mon 11 Nov 2019, 22:58, Reply)

Try a different character.
Best of luck with the showbiz career babes!
( , Tue 12 Nov 2019, 8:30, Reply)

How you can directly attribute deaths to austerity. But I don't want to be told to go fuck a dog so I won't
( , Wed 13 Nov 2019, 18:48, Reply)

It's been debunked many, many times. The number was an estimate was from an academic paper that has been horribly misquoted to score cheap political points. This is from Channel 4, hardly a fan of the torys - www.channel4.com/news/factcheck/factcheck-did-austerity-kill-120000-people
The only viable statistic linked to increased deaths is the rise of obesity. The country is literally eating itself to death.
I don't like the torys either, but then again I think we have some of the worst politicians ever right now. Not one compares favourably with the genuinely clever legislators from the past who actually tried to write good law, not pose for Facebook videos.
I really can't be bothered to vote this time around.
( , Thu 14 Nov 2019, 11:34, Reply)

bloomin British Medical Journal, what do they know anotherangryvoice.blogspot.com/2017/11/why-are-bbc-ignoring-shocking-death.html
( , Fri 22 Nov 2019, 16:24, Reply)

Except that the link you posted isn't bothering to check the validity of the author's claims. No one knows why 45,000 extra people died unexpectedly, but you certainly can't say with any evidence or certainty that it was down to austerity, or extrapolate from that to saying the tories killed 120000. It's poor science and all it does is feed the "don't trust experts" trolls.
( , Fri 6 Dec 2019, 18:27, Reply)

And at least let it be funny: This wasn't even funny in the first place.
( , Fri 29 Nov 2019, 18:18, Reply)