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This is a link post *sigh* ... here we go again
Lock up your embassies, it's the crime of the century:

Woman imprisoned for allowing children to name a teddy bear "Muhammad"

(, Mon 26 Nov 2007, 13:43, Reply)
This is a normal post just amazing
the whole 'islam' thing just baffles me - My child wont get to be in a nativity play because it 'sends out the wrong message' apparently so they will be singing fucking Britney Spears records instead !!!

(, Mon 26 Nov 2007, 13:55, Reply)
This is a normal post Actually
enforced nativity annoys me because they are being taught it as "fact"(at least at my kids school).
I'd take Britney over the bible being taught to my kids as "fact" anyday.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2007, 18:59, Reply)
This is a normal post pfft
you'd think if you'd decided to worship a deity and prophet, you'd credit them with being able to not take offence by some six year old naming their teddy after you

they must have a low opinion of their god if that's the case
(, Mon 26 Nov 2007, 13:57, Reply)
This is a normal post To be fair
Muhammad is a crap name for a teddy bear. What's wrong with Teddy?
(, Mon 26 Nov 2007, 13:57, Reply)
This is a normal post ^this
Mine was a couple of monkey teddy's i called "the swingers"....and my parents never burst that "swinger" bubble till i was grown up though.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2007, 14:04, Reply)
This is a normal post My favourite was called a panda called Ping Ping
quite imaginitive I thought!

How are you?
(, Mon 26 Nov 2007, 14:09, Reply)
This is a normal post pffft

(, Mon 26 Nov 2007, 14:10, Reply)
This is a normal post my parents actually named one of my teddy's Aloicious
the f***ers.
I had others called Winston and Dylan though. Far more respectable names.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2007, 14:13, Reply)
This is a normal post You probably know this but its a literary reference...
from Brideshead Revisited by Evelyn Waugh, there was a character called Sebastian and he had a teddy bear called Aloysius (pronounced Aloicious)....
(, Mon 26 Nov 2007, 14:20, Reply)
This is a normal post I once had a teacher
called Sister Aloysius. She was lovely...taught us to sing with the Sound of Music soundtrack.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2007, 14:43, Reply)
This is a normal post Did you got to a convent school?
It figures!

The newsletter this week should have been renamed the Chickenlady letter!
(, Mon 26 Nov 2007, 14:49, Reply)
This is a normal post Teehee!
Fame at last!
(, Mon 26 Nov 2007, 14:58, Reply)
This is a normal post Allah is more cuddly than Mo.

(, Mon 26 Nov 2007, 16:01, Reply)
This is a normal post Did anyone watch Matthew Collings' show the other night?
He said Chrstianity is a death cult, emphasised by its use of graphic torturous imagery, whereas Islam focuses on the god within as an intensely private and personal experience, instead employing abstract art to create feeling.
It's now Monday, and I haven't yet heard if he's been sent anthrax in the mail by either party involved there, as reason has failed to be the strong point of any religion I have encountered.
Though I make exception for the very hot Hare Krishna monk I once got chatted up by. But just him.
Religion sucks. This article proves it further.

EDIT: oi! Didn't say I agreed with it either way (and besides, he was talking specifically regarding the artwork) - just merely pointing out it seems to be BAIT THE RELIGIOUS WEEK.
As someone who has actually STUDIED religion and mythology, I'm perfectly aware of each faith's influences and derivatives. I just rather sensibly choose to believe what I want. In that I don't. And that's from an informed opinion.

Jeez peeps, it's Monday and there's ranting already. x
(, Mon 26 Nov 2007, 14:11, Reply)
This is a normal post
christianity is a solar cult ( sun dieties derived from Horus etc)
(Jesus begins his work at 30 and dies at 33 as do 16 previous other christ figures throughout history - this is because the sun rises on the 30th degree parallel and sets on the 33 degree )

the bible is full of astro-theology

Masons refer to the 'temple of Solomon' the exoteric meaning ( Soloman is the word sun in three languages SOL, OM and ON (egyptian)) this is the true esoteric meaning as there never was an actual temple

*Islam (associated with venus - hence green in their flags) worships the black square , Saturn (EL) - ( the Phoenician Caananites worshipped El)

is were we get words like 'E'lectiorate and 'el'ite from and the black robes of Judges etc and the motar board hat of graduates (black square)

* might be bollocks
(, Mon 26 Nov 2007, 14:34, Reply)
This is a normal post Christianity
is also based upon the Roman cult of Mithras ...Roman sculptures (pre christian ones) have a man carrying a lamb - called the Moscophorus - which some scholars believe was a precursor to Jesus being called the Lamb of God.

Good grief...all this on a Monday morning...on b3ta!

EDIT Monday afternoon...not morning.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2007, 14:48, Reply)
This is a normal post
very true

Mithra was born on December 25th as an offspring of the Sun
(25th dec is always picked as solar deities birth day because this is when the new sun is born (22nd Dec and hangs in sky for 3 days before beginning its ascent in the sky)

Mithra was called "the good shepherd” along with Horus ( the shephards staff on egyptian pharoh tombs anlong with the rod), etc etc all before Jesus

(we get the word 'hours' from 'horus' as the hours were Horus taking 12 steps across the sky)
(, Mon 26 Nov 2007, 14:49, Reply)
This is a normal post Who says that b3ta is a waste of time?
Here we are educating ourselves!
(, Mon 26 Nov 2007, 14:59, Reply)
This is a normal post pfft
I can talk this type of bollocks all day

'christ' comes from 'kristos' with means 'anointed one'/oil - and comes from the practice of anointing the pharoh's penis with oil - try explaining that one to the vicar!
(, Mon 26 Nov 2007, 15:23, Reply)
This is a normal post It aint bollocks...
it just reminds me how little i know...about anything....
(, Mon 26 Nov 2007, 15:35, Reply)
This is a normal post nothing to be shamed of
the Vatican has the best PR Nazi gold can buy, - it's no wonder this stuff isn't common knowledge

god forbid anyone should get to the truth
(, Mon 26 Nov 2007, 15:57, Reply)
This is a normal post Who carrying a what now?

(, Mon 26 Nov 2007, 17:35, Reply)
This is a normal post At least
it wasn't a pig.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2007, 15:40, Reply)
This is a normal post I was just reading this before coming here
It's fucking ridiculous. I have the same feeling as when you hear of some particularly nasty gang torture etc, which is then usually subsided by the knowledge that if you're not part of the group you're perfectly safe. But that's not the case here. It's quite terrifying to know that this kind of reaction can be shared by so many. Or that countries like Saudi Arabia can practice their laws in such reactionary ways and not be laughed/chased out of town.

It's nothing but oppression.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2007, 15:49, Reply)