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Home » Question of the Week » Addicted » Post 333791 | Search
This is a question Addicted

Cigarettes, gambling, porn and booze. What's your addiction? How low have you sunk and how have you tried to beat it?

Thanks to big-girl's-blouse for the suggestion

(, Thu 18 Dec 2008, 16:42)
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I guess I'm not much of a sex addict.
At my old university, there was a woman I'd had my eye on for about six months or so, possibly longer. Problem was, despite the combined efforts of her friends and my attention, she was not in the least interested in me as far as I or anyone else could tell.

Finally, one Friday, long after I'd given up and decided that the closest I would get to shagging her was to shag someone who had shagged a guy she'd shagged, she asked me if I wanted to take her to the bar after class. She may have only been using me for my car, but that didn't mean there might not be some "reimbursement" for the favor later.

I jumped at the chance. Here's the next problem, though: I am a solitary drinker, and a hopeless alcoholic (sober for many years now). I hated the bars and never felt comfortable drinking in one. If I drank the way I wanted to I wouldn't be able to drive home, or even walk, for that matter. There was a good chance the bartender would throw me out the back door, a puking pissing mess.

We went to the bar, I sipped a beer while she said hello to some of her friends. Within fifteen minutes, the craving set in and all I could think about was my full and lonely whiskey bottle back in my dorm room. The craving was beyond control, so I found her, said my goodbyes and went home to get drunk.

I traded a night I would never have forgotten for a bottle of whiskey I don't remember. I have few regrets from my drinking days, and this missed opportunity is one of them.
(, Fri 19 Dec 2008, 15:04, 4 replies)
clicky for
the wonderful

'I traded a night I would never have forgotten for a bottle of whiskey I don't remember'

did you steal that from somewhere?

(, Fri 19 Dec 2008, 15:33, closed)
Not directly
I might have picked up the pieces from somewhere, but I don't recall that exact phrase from anywhere.

Hugs for clicky.
(, Fri 19 Dec 2008, 15:43, closed)
"I traded a night I would never have forgotten for a bottle of whiskey I don't remember."

Sums up the insane, warped absurdity of the alcoholic perfectly, doesn't it? Have a *click*
(, Fri 19 Dec 2008, 21:05, closed)
thats goodness
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 10:17, closed)

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