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This is a question Best and worst TV ads

"I'd like to give that dodo off the 5 Alive adverts a good kicking," says tom.joad. And luckily, there's tasty, tasty Cillit Bang to clean up the blood stains when you've finished. Tell us about TV adverts.

(, Thu 15 Apr 2010, 15:17)
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As someone who did a degree in marketing and advertising...
... I hate it more than most people, since I understand the kind of thought processes that go on behind it.

It's safe to say that I am disgusted to the point where I want to gouge my own eyes out with the remote control by most adverts on TV, but one current one stands out in particular. Go compare, we buy any car and things of that ilk go without saying, but what really gets me at the moment is not a stupid ad for any product or service, but for a programme given the dubious label of 'comedy'. This bothers me more than usual, because for once I cannot fathom what creature came up with it. Perhaps a lobotomised ape which has been locked in a small grey room for 16 years, then released into the BBC offices whereupon it attacked Danny Cohen, ate his insides and took his place by wearing his skin like a grisly jumpsuit. But I digress.
The culprit is Russell Howard's Good News.
I've always had a bit of a vendetta against him since he sullied one of the jokes I'd posted on t'internet a few years ago by uttering it on Mock the Week. However, up until now I had more or less considered him as an irritating but ultimately insignificant background noise, like a previous owner's wallpaper you hate, but hey it's only in the cloakroom so never mind. This has blown into... ah, hate is too good a word... perhaps contempt taken to the highest level. "Catch 'em up... haw haw, but not, like, run after 'em... see what I did there? Eh, eh? I made a pun, that's what I did." To be fair to Russell Howard, I'm sure that he didn't come up with this idea himself (if, indeed, he has ever come up with any) and could, for all I know, be being held at gunpoint offscreen by aforementioned crazed ape. But he comes across as some unfunny turd your mate brought along to the pub, and everyone cringes every time he says something.
I assume the programme itself is a collection of the Sun and Mirror's finest, and an audience of the sort who snigger when numbers are used in place of words on shop signs. I'll never know, because the ad has put me off watching any programme featuring anyone called Russell ever again.

Years of bitterness over advertising finally released. Maybe now that's off my chest I can lie convincingly enough to get a job.
(, Fri 16 Apr 2010, 0:40, 3 replies)

What joke was that?
I used to like Russel Howard but since he got his show he seems to have got quite arrogant and that doesn't work with him.
(, Fri 16 Apr 2010, 9:37, closed)
I'd rather not say now that he has
It was one of my worst anyway, so it makes me feel even more like a twat hearing it from his lips.
(, Mon 19 Apr 2010, 16:57, closed)
Have you noticed he occasionally wears glasses on TV these days?
Presumably he watched himself and realised (like I did when he first started doing Mock The Week) quite how fucking wall-eyed he is and decided to spend some of the licence money he gets on correcting his daft chameleon eyeballs.
(, Fri 16 Apr 2010, 13:05, closed)

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