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This is a question When Animals Attack

I once witnessed my best friend savaged near to death by a flock of rampant killer sheep.

It's a kill-or-be-killed world out there and poor Steve Irwin never made it back alive. Tell us your tales of survival.

(, Thu 24 Apr 2008, 14:45)
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Some tips
Hide the box in a small room so when you carry the cat in there it cant escape.

Put the cat in backwards instead of trying to force it in forwards, they have less to grip onto and it's generally easier, just watch your wrists

Keep the box when it's not being used in a room your cat goes into so it doesn't spy it and run away. Encourage your cat to sit in it and play when it's not due for a visit to the vets.

Makes life a lot easier for us nurses when we're not dealing with a hissing, spitting furry ball of rage who's having a temper tantrum because it's not accustomed to being restrained in a box.
(, Sun 27 Apr 2008, 22:39, Reply)

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