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This is a question Awesome Sickies

A colleague has been off work for two weeks now - apparently he's got something they can't diagnose, (although they know for sure it's not Legionnaires, Malaria, BSE or AIDS, he's supposedly in isolation). We are all sure he's merely sitting in the sun waiting for the World Cup to come on the telly.

What have you invented to get off work?

(, Fri 9 Jun 2006, 7:40)
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I used to get really nasty chest colds, that made me wheeze
as if i was having a really bad asthma attack... so I was given some inhalers and more or less told to get on with it... Then after a few days they discovered that I was allergic to the things... so they gave me liquid ventalin. Now.

That stuff can affect you in a few ways, one of them is it makes you look awful as you sit shaking and trembling, so... (can you guess whats coming next?)

if I fancied a day or 2 off, quick slug of that stuff and off I went**

**for fucks sake dont be trying that at home its dodgy stuff, one slug too many and you wont be able to walk...

All the usual suspects have been done as well, (nasty cold/flu/the runs/headache etc) usually after a night out, but always, always made to look worse than they actually were... but when you work for yourself, you suddenly find that you dont need to make excuses anymore :-)
(, Fri 9 Jun 2006, 13:19, Reply)

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