B3ta Person of the Year 2010
Instead of Time person of the year, who's B3ta's and why?
(Thanks to Elliot Reuben for the suggestion.)
rob, Thu 16 Dec 2010, 10:53)
you must be fucking loaded.
Happy Phantom has been to Hastings, Brighton, and Eastbourne too, Mon 20 Dec 2010, 2:48,
1 reply)
I'm sure a great many things don't make sense to you, but I'm really not interested in your problems.
Happy Phantom has been to Hastings, Brighton, and Eastbourne too, Mon 20 Dec 2010, 11:49,
Are we going to carry on bickering
or shall we just make love?
wotofco pissing in your swimming pool, Mon 20 Dec 2010, 12:22,
is it ok if I stick with bickering?
Happy Phantom has been to Hastings, Brighton, and Eastbourne too, Mon 20 Dec 2010, 12:27,