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This is a question B3ta Person of the Year 2010

Instead of Time person of the year, who's B3ta's and why? (Thanks to Elliot Reuben for the suggestion.)

(, Thu 16 Dec 2010, 10:53)
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for inspriing Rob to ask Cr3 to make the random button in /links

(but not really, there are alot of others that deserve it more than me.)
(, Thu 16 Dec 2010, 13:13, Reply)
Nick Clegg.

(, Thu 16 Dec 2010, 13:10, 2 replies)
for his tireless baldmonkey.
(, Thu 16 Dec 2010, 13:02, 3 replies)
The Snark!
for this (wierdly, not archived, this is the google cache)
(, Thu 16 Dec 2010, 12:55, Reply)
Other than actual B3tans...
...people who've helped make the World a more surreal, whimsical place.


- Cat Bin Lady

- Gazza (for turning up at the Raoul Moat stand off with a fishing rod, some chicken, and some lager)
(, Thu 16 Dec 2010, 12:55, 5 replies)
Because Baldmonkey.

(, Thu 16 Dec 2010, 12:39, 4 replies)
B3tan Housewife

AKA Dan Bull. Since he released "Dear Lilly Allen" right here on b3ta, he's had an amazing amount of success. But he still releases all of his new stuff on b3ta before anywhere else. He's, single-handedly, brought B3ta to the notice of millions of people. And he's one of us.

Runner up should be Rory Lyon just so, when he picks up his award at the ceremony, I can kick his cowardly "key-board warrior" arse around the room.. Fucking muppet.....

(, Thu 16 Dec 2010, 12:26, 34 replies)
He's had a pretty good 2010.

(, Thu 16 Dec 2010, 12:25, 4 replies)
Me, of course!
Because I just figured out how drag Queens fill in their eye brows.

Naturally, you can add your reasons.
(, Thu 16 Dec 2010, 12:21, Reply)
I'd like to nominate Brayndedd for ensuring that some of The Archive's finest moments don't go missing when the OP deletes them.
(, Thu 16 Dec 2010, 12:18, 20 replies)
Sir Ian Bowler
It's his fault the Students are Rioting after all
(, Thu 16 Dec 2010, 12:14, 1 reply)
Big Girls Blouse!
Who else, she's nice to 'mericans, sweet, and seems to have hair now.
(, Thu 16 Dec 2010, 12:10, 6 replies)
Andy Hamilton
For being funny and clever but mostly for having a finger like an Aye Aye lemur.
(, Thu 16 Dec 2010, 11:59, 1 reply)
Bob Crow
Nah, only joking...
(, Thu 16 Dec 2010, 11:57, 3 replies)
Jeremy the Annoying Horse
Pretty much sums up B3ta.

Long live the Horse!
(, Thu 16 Dec 2010, 11:56, Reply)
Just because.
(, Thu 16 Dec 2010, 11:53, Reply)
Richard Littlejohn
He is responsible for single-handedly allowing me to have an Orwell style 1 minute of hate, admittedly all directed at the smug cunt... The worst bit about it being that I am sure he enjoys the hate.
(, Thu 16 Dec 2010, 11:49, 1 reply)
Massively loved b3tan and Derby Bash supremo tragically taken from us in May of this year, and Prof Kenny Martin who faces the daily bummer of life without her. Mrs. Trellis for sorting out the whipround that realised over 2 grand in her memory. And Jahled for christening a baby snow leopard after her.

Also - cr3. 'Cos let's face it this entire Forum would fall apart at the seams without him giving up his time to keep it going...
(, Thu 16 Dec 2010, 11:47, 15 replies)
because I am absolutely fucking marvellous.
(, Thu 16 Dec 2010, 11:39, 9 replies)
Brian Blessed
He got close to the top of Everest, but said "Fuck that, saving someone's life matters more." He's got a list of acting credits as long as my cock*. And best of all? He will still happily shout "GORDON'S ALIVE!" given any reason.

* I wish my cock were that long.
(, Thu 16 Dec 2010, 11:31, 3 replies)
for having the humility and good grace to try to stay off the popular page for qotw.
(, Thu 16 Dec 2010, 11:27, Reply)
Jody McIntyre

"It's easy to make a buck. It's a lot tougher to make a difference" Tom Brokaw
(, Thu 16 Dec 2010, 11:24, 18 replies)
Piers Morgan
For uniting the world in one cause: hating Piers Morgan.
(, Thu 16 Dec 2010, 11:16, 2 replies)
Nick Clegg
I'm going to be Devil's Advocate here but:

How is it possible for one man to go from 'The Future Leader of this Nation' to 'Complete and Utter Twat' in six months?

Nick Clegg's not stupid. He speaks Dutch, which is virtually akin to possessing magical powers, and up until the early weeks of May, he spoke a good fight and actually had people believing he could make a difference.

And now he's canceling public events in the fear that he might meet with actual members of the public who aren't particularly keen on him for one reason or another.

So: Clegg is the major influence on British society in 2010. Even though he's a dick.
(, Thu 16 Dec 2010, 11:15, 4 replies)
I am incredibly fabulous.

(Ok, I know, I know. Real post to follow when de-hangovered.)
(, Thu 16 Dec 2010, 11:13, Reply)
Rob Manuel
for changing the QOTW promptly.
(, Thu 16 Dec 2010, 11:12, 5 replies)
Kunt from out of Kunt and the Gang
Who else sums up b3ta's dedication to light-hearted profanity and obscenity (occasionally with a serious and/or political message) as well as Kunt?
(, Thu 16 Dec 2010, 11:00, 2 replies)
For not attempting to be first. Honest.
(, Thu 16 Dec 2010, 10:59, Reply)
Julian Assange
Vote for this and we won't switch it to some twat from Facebook at the last minute.

Although knowing B3ta I imagine Brian Blessed is probably going to win. Or Jeremy the Horse.

For the why?

* For reminding us of that exciting moment in the 90s when geeks got together and muttered, "OMG. The internet will change everything."

* For living out a story better than any fiction that I've read out in yonks.

* For giving us crazy shit to read. I recommend to anyone who's run a website to read the mailing list stuff that an ex wikileak person leaked from when they were setting up the site in 2006/7. These people are geeks arguing about logos. This is what my life is like - except mine doesn't involve mind boggling plans to change governments using a truth bomb.

* For getting himself arrested on (possibly) rape charges for what amounts to shagging the fans. Long term b3tans will remember the lesson of John [*1]. Never, ever, shag the fans.

* For creating the real world theater that shows us how the world works. Hippies go, "it's a fascist dictatorship man" but when you've got the US Airforce closing down access to the Guardian newspaper - this is literally the actions of fascism. The world has been given a mirror and it's ugly.

* For making me believe that the Guardian newspaper is something worth fighting for. Balls of steel. They should have a tip jar where we could give them money or something coz it's not like I want to buy the actual paper as it's all papery, and paywalls just remove you from public debate, so yeah, a big "IF YOU LOVE US, SUPPORT US" button.

* For being a twat who turns up in comedy rap videos. Osama never did this.

[*1 Name changed to protect the innocent etc]
(, Thu 16 Dec 2010, 10:55, 56 replies)

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