Bad gigs
Been to see some talentless gits on stage recently? Had your enjoyment spoiled by a twat with an iPad filming the whole thing? Been bottled off? Tell us all
Scaryduck LIKES EGG, Thu 25 Jul 2013, 14:00)
I meant the Rawhide one.
Wasn't that Dolly?
edjogs Collared doves are shit., Mon 29 Jul 2013, 20:18,
1 reply)
Not unless she wrote it when she was 12.
What kind of gay cowboy
are you?
Dr. Shambolic je suis charlie, Mon 29 Jul 2013, 20:21,
Wanna sing songs around the fire and eat beans?
If you do post a recent photo below.
edjogs Collared doves are shit., Mon 29 Jul 2013, 20:22,

Dr. Shambolic je suis charlie, Mon 29 Jul 2013, 20:23,
This should probably win.
Dr. Shambolic je suis charlie, Mon 29 Jul 2013, 20:24,
I've clicked it and strongly advise everyone else to, too.
drimble he'd been white, he'd been black, Mon 29 Jul 2013, 20:57,
go to bed dad, you're drunk.
janet aylia y'all motherfuckers need jesus, Mon 29 Jul 2013, 21:16,
This post here
considering that shambo and janet are often awake and posting at the "gayshift" ends of each day is actually quite scary.
Personally I thought they were man and wife.
Misery McUglywife an attention seeking sociopathic fuckstain., Tue 30 Jul 2013, 8:21,
What's the deal with his right hand?
monster munch person, man, woman... camera... TV?, Mon 29 Jul 2013, 23:25,
I didn't notice his hand.
I was staring at his cock and his charmingly 'thick as fuck' face.
Dr. Shambolic je suis charlie, Tue 30 Jul 2013, 7:59,