Tb2571989 says Bad Management isn't just a great name for a heavy metal band - what kind of rubbish work practices have you had to put up with?
( , Thu 10 Jun 2010, 10:53)
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This guy would commute from Cardiff down to Swansea just to torture us for 8 hours a day. He was a corner cutting illogical wanker, who was only interested in numbers.
We have all been advised in the office that we have an "average" handling time for any job that turned up in the office. This numpty would relish in the fact that his team were absolutely acing the average time, except for little old me, who was taking a bit longer. Now here's the logic bit. The guys on his team were getting 2/3 times better times than me. I however have been working here for 10+ years, so I think I've got a slightly better-than-most idea on how things work here.
So what is his approach on this? If I take my first call and it's slightly longer than the average time, he'd shout across from his desk demanding to know why I was taking so long. For fuck's sake, there's 8 hours in a shift, we're about 15 minutes into the and you need at least two times to calculate an average you twat.
Secondly, why are the rest of the team doing these jobs so quickly? Because they're not. They are finding any excuses possible to send the customers elsewhere so the numbers look awesome. Doesn't fucking fix anything at all, and more often than not it's left to Muggins here to clear up the mess.
Thirdly, and this pisses me right off, the other staff were being awarded bonuses for taking so many calls. It doesn't matter if they treated the customer like a complete twunt, as long as you've taken loads that's all that matters.
And fourthly, the management then organised to have some of these newbies listen to me to see if they could give me any advice on how to "speed me up a bit". How I didn't smash the cunt manager's face in is beyond me.
I was all set to walk out of the company that I've worked for because of this, but finally our Upper-Management have noticed the shite that was starting to happen here and have focused on what we're actually doing with customers, so thankfully the company is turning in the right direction. It was at this time that the manager decided to get the fuck out of dodge and hand in his notice to work back in Cardiff, but still upto his last day he was openly abusing me (which did prompt me to asking him "Excuse me, but haven't you fucked off to Cardiff yet?" to a lack of reply).
God help the company that fuckwit is working for now. I'll give you a clue, it involves credit cards (fuck that lots).
( , Fri 11 Jun 2010, 19:08, 1 reply)
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