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Home » Question of the Week » Barred » Post 60485 | Search
This is a question Barred

I've only ever been barred from one pub, the "Fort St George in England" on Midsummer Common in Cambridge.*

I was part of a group caught drunkenly trying to add our names in biro to a historic signed cricket bat. I still have the pint glass I was holding as I was chucked out.

Where have you been banned from?

*All pubs in Cambridge have posh names like this. 25% fact

(, Thu 31 Aug 2006, 12:00)
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Sainsbury's in Winton, Bournemouth
We used to go in there and play Risk with the frozen food (invade next compartment, 1kg petits pois beats 20 Linda McCartney sausages, etc.) - until the manager caught us at it. No more Risk for us.
(, Thu 31 Aug 2006, 12:21, Reply)

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