You've all known one. The brown-nosing fucker, the 'comedian', the drunk, the gossip and of course the weird one with no mates who goes bell ringing, looks like Mr Majika and sports a monk's haircut (and is a woman).
Tell us about yours...
Thanks to Deskbound for the idea
( , Thu 24 Jan 2008, 9:09)
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Now this is probably mostly my own fault and im still angry at myself even though it was a couple of years ago.
First of all I work in advertising (and yes its full of smug wankers)
Now my flatmate of the time was a bit of a twat but a nice enough bloke and we got on ok. He had just lost his job working as a print/production monkey and was struggling for cash. The shit hole I was working at needed a production guy for a couple of weeks so I put his name forward so he could get working again (and pay some fucking bills).
Within a week of working he had –
Pissed off pretty much everyone with his shit boring stories
Shag 3 girls (and im convinced one bloke)
Dropped me in the shit a number of times by saying I told him to do things a certain way
Got pissed on 2 beers one lunch and fell asleep at his desk
Left on the Friday without doing one piece of work, which I had to then do as I had recommended him to the company.
He got paid nearly 2 grand for that one weeks work for doing not one thing and left me with a stinking reputation in the company.
That weekend he accused me of trying to get him the sack and punched a hole in the door. I chucked him out the next day.
But the worst thing.
18 months ago I moved to Sydney. First day of work, who is my new boss??? That’s right it was fucko. He had been on holiday whilst I was being interviewed. I lasted 3 weeks and then we had a punch up and we both got sacked. Cheers mate.
Although he did serve me dinner the other night as a waiter in some shit restaurant so that made me smile.
He was shit at that too.
( , Wed 30 Jan 2008, 3:44, 2 replies)

I'm sure its not normal to bump into people that often.
( , Wed 30 Jan 2008, 12:18, closed)
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