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Home » Question of the Week » Beautiful Moments » Post 25417 | Search
This is a question Beautiful Moments

The best night of my life was spent lying in the bottom of a boat, floating down a river low enough to be under the thin layer of mist gathering at about 3am such that it scudded between me and the stars.

Make us feel all warm and fluffy. Tell us about the most beautiful moments in your life so far.

(, Fri 11 Mar 2005, 9:15)
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how many do you want?
Hand fasting, conducting our own ceremony in the local wildlife park, on the 10th anniversary of our getting together...

Whenever I walk hand in hand with my son or daughter, whenever they molest me too...

Leading the walk down & bowing for a local musical produciton last year...

Whenever my son makes a terrible pun...

eeeh, I am, in the words of John Peel, content almost to the point of smugness
(, Fri 11 Mar 2005, 10:30, Reply)

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