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This is a question The Best / Worst thing I've ever eaten

Pinckas Ben Nochkan says: Tell us tales of student kitchen disasters and stories of dining decadence. B3ta Mods say: "Minge" does not a funny answer make

(, Thu 26 May 2011, 14:09)
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You're wrong
I was there when he invented it. Someone might have contrived a similar combination before, but not to our knowledge.

My life has never been the same.
(, Fri 27 May 2011, 14:24, 1 reply)
What on earth are you two barking on about?
Cheese with chips has existed for literally centuries. I'm happy that you shared a man-moment in your student kitchen all those years ago ... and well done for adding something temporarily to a Wiki ... but you didn't invent anything new.
(, Fri 27 May 2011, 14:28, closed)
a) Tautology: if you invent it, it's new
b) Chips with cheese isn't necessarily the same as 'cheesy chips'

(, Fri 27 May 2011, 14:36, closed)
OK. I think I see the problem here.
You're educationally sub-normal.
(, Fri 27 May 2011, 14:38, closed)
Hate to correct you Mein Doktor
but I'll do it anyway.
(, Fri 27 May 2011, 15:30, closed)
Ah, clever.
Educationally sub-normal. What gives you that idea?

And what does it mean? Educated to a level below the norm? If so, then no.
(, Fri 27 May 2011, 15:54, closed)
It means you're too thick to hold up your end of this conversation.

(, Fri 27 May 2011, 16:06, closed)
Don't be so sure
At least I don't retrospectively edit my parts of the dialogue to give an impression that my interlocutor is a spazz-brain.
(, Fri 27 May 2011, 16:21, closed)
You genuinely don't understand tautology, do you?
(, Fri 27 May 2011, 18:14, closed)
Er, yes. I do.
a. Needless repetition of the same sense in different words; redundancy.
b. An instance of such repetition.

Quote: "You didn't invent anything new." the 'new' is redundant, or you could have said: "You didn't produce anything new."

So double Bless.
(, Tue 31 May 2011, 10:46, closed)
Where's the proof?
I see none.

Oh wait, this is one of those terrible replies that is actually connected to the previous qotw.
(, Fri 27 May 2011, 14:44, closed)

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