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This is a question Redundant technology

Music on vinyl records, mobile phones the size of house bricks and pornography printed on paper. What hideously out of date stuff do you still use?

Thanks to boozehound for the suggestion

(, Thu 4 Nov 2010, 12:44)
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I confess, I love these things.
1. I have my aunt's iron she got as a wedding present in the early 40's-it's perfect.

2. I use a British cookbook from the '70's. The 1870's. Some of them are weird (jellied eels-yuck) some of them are funny (spotted dick) and some of them are delish-charlotte russe
(, Thu 11 Nov 2010, 3:34, 3 replies)
We still eat spotted dick over here and jellied eels.

(, Thu 11 Nov 2010, 8:25, closed)
Mmmmmmmmhhhhhhhhh, spotted dick and custard FTW.
I have tried to explain steamed puddings to my Septic girlfriend, but she can't get her head around what they are, along with pork pies and scotch eggs.
(, Thu 11 Nov 2010, 8:47, closed)
and that is why they fail

(, Thu 11 Nov 2010, 9:08, closed)

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