My best birthday so far was my 30th, when I held a Polish Bear Hunting evening in some woods - everyone dressed up in hunting gear, ate a Polish hunting stew round a big fire and then, armed with torches, ran out to find the foil-wrapped chocolate bears I'd hidden in the trees.
My worst so far was my first at university - my birthday was the first official day of term, so I thought there'd be loads of people there to have fun with. No, Cambridge is so posh nobody actually turns up on the first night. I got very drunk with the barman.
What extremes of birthdays have you had?
( , Fri 9 Dec 2005, 11:07)
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Worst: my 15th. the day Princess Diana died. thought friends mum was havin some kind of sick joke, but no, there was no music on the radio and it was all that was on the tv.
Best: could b 20th. at uni,was workin and came home to find a bunch of mates had decorated my flat and cooked a meal - lots of drink a smartie cake and weed. good fun!
21st was good too despite my family bein out the country. still at uni. dyed my hair pink,bought a new boob revealin dress.drank WAY too much,went to fatties(must have been drunk but at least it wasn't mardi)pulled a guy i had fancied for a while.threw up outside the salvation army on the way home (aforementioned guy was beside me holdin my shoes coz i can't walk in heels).had bad sex (could have been the alcohol but most likely was the lack of length)and woke up the next day to builders puttin in a new bath.
am plannin a pirates and princesses themed party for my 25th. plan on drinkin lots of rum!!and at least i know the sex will be good.
( , Fri 9 Dec 2005, 13:17, Reply)
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