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Home » Question of the Week » Birthdays » Post 45288 | Search
This is a question Birthdays

My best birthday so far was my 30th, when I held a Polish Bear Hunting evening in some woods - everyone dressed up in hunting gear, ate a Polish hunting stew round a big fire and then, armed with torches, ran out to find the foil-wrapped chocolate bears I'd hidden in the trees.

My worst so far was my first at university - my birthday was the first official day of term, so I thought there'd be loads of people there to have fun with. No, Cambridge is so posh nobody actually turns up on the first night. I got very drunk with the barman.

What extremes of birthdays have you had?

(, Fri 9 Dec 2005, 11:07)
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Worst one
has to be my 21st. S'posed to be a big celebration normally, but oh no. My birfday is the week after New Year, so no one got any cash. This was the problem I had. Not only did I have no cash at all, I had no bread/milk/tea/tobacco/weed. So I sat on my sofa bored, hungry and in need of some sort of nicotine fix ALL FUCKING DAY! Even a cuppa would have been nice. Still the £50 in a birfday card arrived the next day, typical!
(, Sun 11 Dec 2005, 12:22, Reply)

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