Bizarre leaps of logic
Amorous Badger says: "I once humorously suggested that someone had been internet-stalking a Big Brother contestant. They concluded that I was threatening them. What's the oddest misunderstanding you've been involved in?"
Scaryduck LIKES EGG, Thu 12 Dec 2013, 13:48)
Why were you getting dressed in the bathroom?
BraynDedd Natasha Kaplinsky's labia majora, Wed 18 Dec 2013, 13:28,
1 reply)
Read between the lines here
He was having a shit while she was in the shower.
He just didn't want to admit that to the internet.
tangledupinblue hairy badge with moving eyes, Wed 18 Dec 2013, 13:55,
"She" was in a shower cubicle.
They're probably in prison.
monster munch person, man, woman... camera... TV?, Wed 18 Dec 2013, 13:56,
And instead he's come off as a pussywhipped autism.
BraynDedd Natasha Kaplinsky's labia majora, Wed 18 Dec 2013, 14:07,
That hardly ever happens on here.
tangledupinblue hairy badge with moving eyes, Wed 18 Dec 2013, 14:15,