Black sheep of the family II
Freddie Woo says: I was a bit friendly with this chap was once on Jeremy Kyle for what he called "brother and sister problems". He was such a family outcast they made him sleep in the shed. Tell us about your family black sheep.
Scaryduck LIKES EGG, Thu 20 Feb 2014, 13:10)
This question's got less mileage than a Jaguar running on fumes.
What's for dinner?
.Yeti., Tue 25 Feb 2014, 20:12,
5 replies)
There's nowt funnier than making a three year old eat with chopsticks.
Unless they're Chinese ... then it's prolly not that funny.
Dr. Shambolic je suis charlie, Tue 25 Feb 2014, 20:19,
Yet another reason it's shit to be Chinese.
Dr. Shambolic je suis charlie, Tue 25 Feb 2014, 20:19,
Eric Idle's your biggest fan, though.
.Yeti., Tue 25 Feb 2014, 20:46,
Joke's on you if you have to clean up afterwards.
monster munch person, man, woman... camera... TV?, Tue 25 Feb 2014, 21:18,
eViLegion Chief Commissioner of the Scottish Lunacy Board, Tue 25 Feb 2014, 20:21,