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We love books. Tell us about your favourite books and authors, and why they are so good. And while you're at it - having dined out for years on the time I threw Dan Brown out of a train window - tell us who to avoid.

(, Thu 5 Jan 2012, 13:40)
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Terry Goodkind- very good, serious.
Terry Pratchett- likewise, funny.
Wicked by Maguire is actually really good- don't let the sappy musical kid you, the book's actually quite dark and goes into the politics of killing off talking animals.
Temeraire by Naomi Novik- set during the Napoleonic wars in an parallel universe where dragons actually do exist, and are used as weapons/aircraft.

EDIT: The Portable Door by Tom Holt deserves a mention- it's completely bonkers but it works so well.
(, Thu 5 Jan 2012, 23:04, 3 replies)
Oh wow thanks fellas.
When I was a kid I loved fantasy, I remember reading his dark trilogy and getting so engrossed in it. Then I went of books, (to busy with boys and booze) Then I got bang into classic novels (usually reccomened by my other half so all to his taste) And now remembering how happy reading fantasy made me feel I'm starting to get back into it. As it happens Im reading Terry Pratchetts 'the reaper' Oh my god! its wonderfully imaginative, light hearted and witty. Books that are 'completly bonkers' intrigue me. Iv taken all suggestions on board for my book binge on payday...especially wicked.
(, Thu 5 Jan 2012, 23:40, closed)
Goodkind is okay
but don't you think it's a bit hackneyed. A Young lad from the sticks gets given a magic sword called the sword of truth to follow his destiny to defeat an evil lord in a distant land


(, Thu 5 Jan 2012, 23:48, closed)
I can see this argument lasting out the week. :P
(, Fri 6 Jan 2012, 18:40, closed)
Seriously though..pratchett!
Where have I been :p
(, Thu 5 Jan 2012, 23:54, closed)

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