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This is a question Bugs and feature requests

Found a problem on B3ta? Want other features that we don't currently offer? Type your ideas here with your finger-mouths. (We don't promise we'll act on any of it, but we will read it and your words could even prompt us into action.)

(, Wed 1 Nov 2006, 11:48)
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QOTW: The week before Valentine's day
I think that in the last full QOTW-week before Valentine's day, it would be a good idea to have the "Your Brutally Honest Lonely Hearts Advert" question (without the 40-word limit) as the weekly question. IMO, this question encompasses the spirit of QOTW - sharing our darker side amongst a bunch of like-minded individuals. Before '/all' was disabled, that was the suggestion that was the most popular.

b3ta - we're at our best when we're at our worst.
(, Wed 4 Feb 2009, 8:52, 4 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
I would love this
*clicks* My vote is yes!
(, Wed 4 Feb 2009, 9:14, Reply)
hell yes
would love this. know that cracked cackers has most broke heart. but could come up with some humor. will vote yes.
(, Wed 4 Feb 2009, 10:32, Reply)
Yes, Yes
(, Thu 5 Feb 2009, 11:07, Reply)
A tentative yes..
..I could actually copy and paste various embarrassing adverts I've left around the internet over the years for erm.. top lols or something.
(, Thu 5 Feb 2009, 20:28, Reply)

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