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This is a question Bugs and feature requests

Found a problem on B3ta? Want other features that we don't currently offer? Type your ideas here with your finger-mouths. (We don't promise we'll act on any of it, but we will read it and your words could even prompt us into action.)

(, Wed 1 Nov 2006, 11:48)
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QOTW is the best thing
I've ever seen on the net. I found it when searching for nasty jokes and was directed to b3ta's sick jokes. From there I found QOTW.

The people who respond to QOTW are completely insane. (In a good way) I have never laughed (out loud) so much. The archives are a gold mine of belly laughs.

My point in all this is that I am on the internet through "WebTV". A little black box giving me access using my TV as monitor.

Compared to a computer it is limited in what it can do. All I ask is that QOTW remains compatible for me to enjoy.

I have never lauged so much as when I read the stories posted there. Made up or otherwise.

Being American my vocabulary has grown considerably thanks to your British humor.

Any changes to QOTW that are small would be appreciated.

Girth and length apply here, of which I have none.
(, Thu 9 Nov 2006, 13:36, Reply)

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