My mum told me to stand up to bullies. So I did, and got wedgied every day for a month. I hated my boss.
Suggested by Mariam67
( , Wed 13 May 2009, 12:27)
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So, here’s a story from the earlier years of my life, as opposed to one from the latters, which is my usual trick. When I was but a wee Ghost, I was a bit of a social misfit. My parents had moved around lots when I was young, so I ended up having to reintegrate myself into school society every now and then. Consequently, I never really learned how to deal with people in a long term capacity as I’d have to make new friends every now and then, and then fuck off and repeat the whole process a few months down the line.
Up until about the time I hit the age of 10 or 11, my family were moving always to different areas. From that age however, we settled down in one area and just ended up moving around that area a lot, but always kept me in the same school. Subsequently, I at last learned to deal with people, but never really fit in anywhere, cos I studied hard, and read books and didn’t really play sports, on account of being slightly worse at football and other sports than a mong is at performing brain surgery. I also had massive fuck-off jamjar thick glasses that I needed to see, and massive buck teeth at the time. Also, everyone knew everyone else from primary school and in some cases even from nursery school, so I didn't really have any friends, more acquaintances I knew in passing.
So with a sense of tedium and inevitability, I started to get picked on when I started secondary school. Speccy four-eyes and other such names were hurled at me, because I didn’t really know anyone, and because kids are so imaginative with their insults, it really was inevitable. A group of older lads, in year 11, decided to join in, in their own inimical way. This was when I was in year 7.
What physically happened next affected me for the rest of my life. No, it’s not a tale of impromptu pederasty and general buggery, although presumably that would have happened had I managed to attend a posh school, instead of the bog-standard comprehensive. It is something that has had effects on me for over a decade now.
Remember how I mentioned earlier that I had buck teeth at the time? Because I was also small and scrawny at that age, I also got called Rat and Mouse, mainly by these kids in year 11, but also by anyone in general who wanted to join in. Al fresco bullying is so fun. Especially when the kids bullying you are 15 and 16, and you’re 11.
Then they decided to up the ante.
Given that they were 16, they were bigger than me. A lot bigger than me. One resembled Mike Tyson’s steroid abusing mong brother. So they attacked me physically, but not in the usual beatings sense. They used to pummel me lightly to exhaust me, and then pin me to the floor. Given that there were four of them, that was easy enough for two of them to pin my arms, Mike Tyson’s mong brother to sit on my legs, whilst the fourth one force-fed me cheese.
Yes. They force-fed me cheese as a way of bullying.
Their logic behind this was actually simple. Rats and mice eat cheese. Ghost looks like a rat or a mouse, depending on your mood. Ergo, Ghost eats cheese.
Only thing is, they hadn’t counted on my gag reflex.
Ghost does not eat cheese well, especially when force-fed.
“BLEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAARCH!” I believe was my response to being beaten up, pinned down and forcefed cheese.
I wasn’t lactose intolerant, I hasten to add, I just have problems with being forcefed cheese and being lightly beaten up. This outpouring of my stomach did not endear me to my bullies, who objected to being violently vommed on. They reacted by beating me up again.
I was ashamed of my reaction, and slunk off home and washed my dirty clothing before my mum could get to me. I lied to her about the bruises on my legs and stomach, saying that I had taken up playing football despite being about as technically competent at football as Christopher Reeve was in his latter days.
This cycle of bullying continued. Almost every day I was beaten up, pinned down, and forcefed cheese. Which I promptly sicked up, usually all over myself as my bullies soon wised-up to my habit of releasing the contents of my stomach back into the fresh air for one last look around.
This continued for several weeks until one day I gave up sneaking home and washing myself and my clothing, and just wandered home covered in sick and got collared by my mum. The entire story eventually came out, along with the reason I hadn’t been eating my carefully prepared ham and cheese sandwiches. My mum got in contact with the school, and that form of bullying soon ceased as the kids who carried it out weren’t ashamed of what they’d done, and as a consequence, were expelled.
The rest of the bullying stopped when I got into a fist fight with another kid who had been bullying me for a while, after school and beat the almighty living shit out of him, and got myself suspended in the process. Was totally worth the weeks suspension though as everyone started to like me after that. That or they started to pick on the kid I’d beaten up.
But to this day, I cannot eat cheese. I boke a little at the mere smell of cheese of any kind. I go for proper heaves and full stomach evacuation if I taste cheese.
So there you go. One of my favourite foods of the time had been ruined because of bullying.
Apologies for length, it’s been going for over a decade now and won’t let up.
( , Sun 17 May 2009, 13:35, 7 replies)

It means I have to avoid cheese like it has the plague. Ah well. On the upshot of it, I get to custom-make my own pizzas so they don't have any cheese.
*Hugs back*
( , Sun 17 May 2009, 14:18, closed)

this is horrible.
I HATE vom
Another occasion where "I like this" is wrong but I want to click it
( , Mon 18 May 2009, 7:01, closed)

Nice cheesy vom, sprayed liberally everywhere. Great chunks of it. Tasty. =P
( , Mon 18 May 2009, 17:37, closed)

I bloody love cheese. I put up with a lot of shit at school but that's worse than anything I had - if some wee scrote had ruined cheese for me forever I would have been totally broken.
I trust you have found a suitable replacement snackstuff that evokes happier memories...
( , Mon 18 May 2009, 14:40, closed)

Bakewell tarts have become my snackage of choice and haven't been ruined. So all is well.
I had problems with cheese a few years ago as the girl I was seeing at the time was a massive cheeseaholic and me being me, absolutely detested the stuff. That produced a few good reactions and arguments at the time.
My hat is tipped to anyone who loves cheese. The faster they eat it around me, the better.
( , Mon 18 May 2009, 17:37, closed)

has reached epidemic proportions – lasagne for dinner? Best make it with stilton, obviously. Cheese is the shit, it’s horrendous that you can’t eat it because of a few twots!
Agree with above, liked the story and the delivery, just don’t feel nice clicking ‘I like this’. *Click*
( , Wed 20 May 2009, 11:24, closed)
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